Abortion in the United States

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Fr. Antonio Spadaro,S.J. at a communications conference at the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, Sept 20, 2013.

Interviewer: Pope’s adherence to Church abortion teaching is clear

Sep 20, 2013

By Kevin J. Jones, Alan Holdren

Pope Francis is “absolutely clear” about Catholic teaching on abortion, but his first focus is to bring God’s salvation to... Read more


Bishop: Abortion-supporting stance should bar lawmakers from Eucharist

Aug 22, 2013

The adjunct secretary of the Bishops’ Conference of Bolivia, Archbishop José Fuentes, said that government officials who support abortion should... Read more

Copyright European Union 2013. European Parliament (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0).

Pro-life petition could spark European legislation, debate

Aug 20, 2013

By Adelaide Mena

A citizen-led initiative in Europe is nearing the one million signatures needed to prompt a discussion on human life and... Read more

Fr. Paulo and Fr. Felipe Lizama are twin brothers and Catholic priests in Chile. Photo courtesy of Fr. Lizama.

Saved from abortion, Chilean twin brothers are now priests

Aug 16, 2013

Two twin brothers in Chile say that their mother’s determination in protecting them from abortion despite the advice of doctors... Read more

(L to R) Dee Becker, Nellie Gray, Georgette Forney and Janet Morana.

March for Life founder still influencing movement after death

Aug 13, 2013

By Adelaide Mena

A year after her death, Nellie Gray – called the “Joan of Arc of the pro-life movement” – is still... Read more


Human life should be protected as gift from God, Pope says

Aug 13, 2013

Human life – including the lives of unborn children – must be defended as a gift from God, underscored Pope... Read more

Lila Rose of Live Action speaks during the March on the Media.

'March on the Media' criticizes abortion bias in reporting

Aug 12, 2013

By Adelaide Mena

Pro-life leaders from around the country are calling on major media outlets to do a better job of informing society... Read more


Argentina Down Syndrome test could cause abortion increase

Aug 9, 2013

The pro-life group ArgentinosAlerta has warned that a new test to detect Down Syndrome in unborn children after nine weeks... Read more

Vicki Thorn, founder of Project Rachel.

'Mercy and love' at heart of Church's teaching on abortion

Aug 9, 2013

By Elise Harris

A message of healing and compassion should always be at the center of the abortion debate and is the basis... Read more

Rep. Diane Black (R-Tenn.).

Federal probe of abortion clinic funding draws praise

Aug 6, 2013

By Adelaide Mena

Pro-life lawmakers issued statements supporting a government decision to investigate the federal funding of Planned Parenthood and other organizations that... Read more

Pope Francis walks with Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff at Rio’s Galeão-Antonio Carlos Jobim Airport on July 22, 2013.

Brazilian president signs law permitting abortion after papal visit

Aug 2, 2013

Four days after Pope Francis left Brazil, President Dilma Rousseff signed into a law a measure that opens the door... Read more

North Carolina pro-life law praised as positive step

Aug 1, 2013

Pro-life advocates are praising North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory for signing into law a multi-part pro-life bill that rasies abortion... Read more

Pope Francis greets the crowd at Castel Gandolfo before the Angelus, July 14, 2013.

Pope Francis urges Irish, British to value each human life

Jul 17, 2013

Ahead of Day for Life Sunday in the U.K., Pope Francis has sent a message to British and Irish Catholics... Read more

High levels of pro-life state legislation passed so far this year

Jul 14, 2013

The progress of pro-life legislation at the state level this year has made the 2013 the second-best year on record... Read more

Monsignor Jacques Suaudeau speaks with CNA during a July 12 2013 interview at the Academy for Life.

Irish law will lead to abortion increase, Vatican expert predicts

Jul 12, 2013

A scientist from the Pontifical Academy for Life says Ireland’s new abortion law will result in an increased number of... Read more

Thomas Brejcha, chief counsel, Thomas More Society.

Court decision ends Illinois 'haven' for underage abortions

Jul 11, 2013

A unanimous ruling from the Illinois Supreme Court means that a 1995 law requiring parental notification for a minor seeking... Read more

Raquel Kato and her daughter, AveMarie Rose.

After crisis pregnancy, young mom finds fulfillment

Jun 30, 2013

A 22-year-old single mom who chose life during an unplanned pregnancy says that she has found “purpose and love” in... Read more


Fetuses may feel pain as early as 20 weeks, doctor clarifies

Jun 27, 2013

By Carl Bunderson

An Italian doctor has clarified that fetuses may be capable of feeling pain and pleasure as early as 20 weeks... Read more

Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

NY abortion expansion fails amid Catholic opposition

Jun 18, 2013

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo's proposed bill to dramatically expand legal abortion in the state died in the state senate... Read more

President Barack Obama gives his weekly address, May 5, 2012.

Obama threatens veto as fetal pain bill passes House

Jun 18, 2013

By Adelaide Mena

Despite passing the U.S. House of Representatives, a bill to prohibit abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy faces an uncertain... Read more