Abortion in the United States

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Unborn baby at 20 weeks.

US House to vote on banning abortion after 20 weeks

Sep 26, 2017

By Matt Hadro

Micah Pickering was born prematurely at 20 weeks. His eyes were “fused shut,” according to his mother, and his bones... Read more

Could this bill put an end to Down syndrome abortions in Ohio?

Sep 26, 2017

By Adelaide Mena

An Ohio bill hopes to stop abortions undertaken solely because an unborn child has Down syndrome.    Read more

In Maine, abortions could become more dangerous for women

Sep 25, 2017

By Kevin J. Jones

A lawsuit seeking to challenge a Maine law allowing only doctors to perform abortions has drawn criticism from pro-life advocates... Read more

Catholic health care growth a benefit, not a threat, ethicist says

Sep 19, 2017

By Kevin J. Jones

A research paper that depicts the growth of Catholic health care as a threat to reproductive health ignores the attraction... Read more

U.S. Capitol, Senate side, public domain.

Pro-life groups to Senate Dems: Don't eliminate Hyde Amendment

Sep 14, 2017

By Matt Hadro

After a Democratic senator boasted on Wednesday that his party’s Medicare bill would repeal the Hyde Amendment, pro-life groups are... Read more

Jacob Rees-Mogg, Conservative MP for North East Somerset.

We need more politicians who are brave, Catholics in UK say

Sep 13, 2017

By Mary Farrow

It’s a tough time for Catholics in public life, and not just in the United States.  Read more

Bishop Tobin: Ending DACA shatters lives. So does abortion.

Sep 5, 2017

Many Americans are justifiably outraged at the lives that will be shattered by the cancellation of DACA – but that... Read more

This health center for the uninsured used to be an abortion clinic

Aug 31, 2017

By Matt Hadro

Prayer. Sacrifice. Friendship. Charity. Could one Virginia community’s work to put basic Gospel tenets into action be a model for... Read more

Defund Planned Parenthood.

South Carolina governor ends funding of abortion clinics

Aug 27, 2017

In an executive order issued Aug. 25, South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster directed state agencies to stop funding abortion clinics... Read more

Flag of Chile.

Chilean court sidesteps constitution, paves way for legal abortion

Aug 23, 2017

A Chilean court ruled this week in favor of a controversial bill that allows abortion in some cases, against the... Read more

Girl with Down syndrome.

Iceland is 'eradicating' Down syndrome…by aborting everyone who has it

Aug 16, 2017

By Mary Farrow

A recent article from CBS News proclaims that “few countries have come as close to eradicating Down syndrome births as... Read more

Baby Feet.

New Texas law axes insurance coverage for elective abortion

Aug 15, 2017

A new law in Texas removes elective abortion coverage from the standard package of health insurance benefits offered in many... Read more

Baby in parent's arms.

UK politics put pressure on Northern Ireland pro-life laws

Aug 10, 2017

Recent changes in U.K. politics have meant a renewed push against Northern Ireland’s pro-life laws, advocates say.  Read more

The Supreme Court of the United States.

Planned Parenthood investigators appeal case to US Supreme Court

Aug 8, 2017

By Matt Hadro

David Daleiden, the undercover journalist behind the 2015 Planned Parenthood videos, has appealed to the US Supreme Court for the... Read more

Over half of UK women who sought abortion last year used contraceptives

Aug 3, 2017

Recent statistics show that more than half of women seeking abortions in Britain last year were using at least one... Read more

Judge nixes Alabama abortion law involving parental consent

Aug 1, 2017

A federal judge has struck down an Alabama law requiring more scrutiny for minors who seek an abortion without parental... Read more

Pro-life groups praise new Missouri bill curbing abortion

Jul 26, 2017

Pro-lifers lauded a bill that will restrict abortion access in Missouri, granting the state attorney general more power to prosecute... Read more

Bishop: Senate mustn't repeal health care law without suitable replacement

Jul 21, 2017

The US bishops' representative for domestic justice has asked Senators not to vote to repeal the current health care law... Read more

David Daleiden to appeal huge contempt fine over Planned Parenthood videos

Jul 20, 2017

A federal judge has ordered over $136,000 in fines after the release of several undercover videos in a series that... Read more

Bishop responds: No, abortion isn't a Canadian 'core' value

Jul 5, 2017

Responding to a Canadian politician who called abortion a central aspect of the country's human rights efforts, a local bishop... Read more