Abortion in the United States

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Satanic Temple loses abortion religious freedom case in Missouri

Feb 14, 2019

The Missouri Supreme Court has rejected a legal challenge against an informed consent abortion law from a self-described Satanic Temple... Read more

The New Mexico state capitol.

New Mexico legislators seek to repeal state abortion ban

Feb 12, 2019

New Mexico’s House of Representatives passed a bill that would decriminalize the state’s inactive ban on abortion.  Read more

Virginia State Capitol building in Richmond, Virginia.

First official Virginia March for Life to be held in April

Feb 8, 2019

By Christine Rousselle

The Virginia March for Life is being organized by a partnership between The Family Foundation, Virginia Catholic Conference, the Virginia... Read more

US Supreme Court.

Supreme Court blocks law regulating Louisiana abortion doctors

Feb 7, 2019

By Christine Rousselle

The Supreme Court has blocked from taking effect a Louisiana law requiring abortion doctors to hold admitting privileges at hospitals... Read more

President Donald Trump, pictured at a press conference in 2018.

Trump calls for 'culture that cherishes innocent life' in SOTU address

Feb 6, 2019

The president’s annual state of the union address received a divided response after highlighting life issues.  Read more

Young people hold signs opposing abortion during the March for Life in Washington, D.C.

Medical care for abortion survivors blocked by Senate Democrat

Feb 4, 2019

By Christine Rousselle

Senate Democrats rejected on Monday an effort to ensure that babies who survive abortion attempts receive medical care.  Read more

An unborn baby at 20 weeks.

Commentary: Defending life is a culture war worth fighting

Feb 4, 2019

By Ed Condon

Ralph Northam, outlined his support for a controversial state abortion bill. Speaking about the bill, he outlined a “discussion” about... Read more

Bishop Thomas Daly. CNA file photo.

Bishop Daly: Pro-choice pols should not receive Eucharist

Feb 2, 2019

By JD Flynn

The Bishop of Spokane said Friday that that politicians who publicly support abortion should not receive the Eucharist in his... Read more

Colorado State Capitol.

Colo. sex ed bill advances despite vocal opposition

Feb 1, 2019

By Kevin J. Jones

A controversial sex ed bill was approved by a Colorado House committee this week, despite significant concerns voiced by Coloradans... Read more

Senator Ben Sasse, pictured at the National Press Club, Oct. 2018.

Sen. Ben Sasse seeks to fast-track bill to protect abortion survivors

Jan 31, 2019

By Christine Rousselle

U.S. Senator Ben Sasse (R-NE) has announced that he will introduce the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act to the Senate... Read more

State Capital Building, Richmond Va.

Virginia bishops ‘distraught’ at abortion bill, governor’s comments

Jan 31, 2019

By Christine Rousselle

Bishop Michael Burbidge of the Diocese of Arlington and Bishop Barry C. Knestout of the Diocese of Richmond issued statements... Read more

Abby Johnson.

New movie tells story of abortion clinic worker turned pro-life advocate

Jan 31, 2019

A movie chronicling the conversion of a former Planned Parenthood clinic director who became a pro-life advocate will be released... Read more

President Donald Trump.

Pro-life leaders call on Trump to defund Planned Parenthood

Jan 31, 2019

Following the passing of a New York law legalizing abortion up to the point of birth, pro-life leaders are calling... Read more

Vermont bill would bar any government restrictions on abortion

Jan 25, 2019

A bill was introduced in the Vermont House of Representatives Tuesday that would prohibit public entities from interfering with or... Read more

Pro-life advocates gather in San Francisco for Walk for Life West Coast

Jan 25, 2019

By Kevin J. Jones

The Walk for Life West Coast aims to gather thousands of pro-life advocates in San Francisco in the next days... Read more

Governor Andrew Cuomo, Cardinal Timothy Dolan attend Columbus Day parade along Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, Oct. 2018.

‘This is progressive?’ New York bishops react to new abortion law

Jan 23, 2019

Catholic leaders in New York have spoken out against the passage of an expansive new abortion law in the state.... Read more

Latest Planned Parenthood numbers show more abortions—and higher profits

Jan 22, 2019

Planned Parenthood, the largest performer of abortions in the U.S., has released its annual report, and its critics object to... Read more

Marchers at the 2019 March for Life, Jan. 18 in Washington, DC.

'Every life is worth protecting,' President Trump, VP Pence tell March for Life

Jan 18, 2019

The March for Life again gathered myriad pro-life advocates to mark the anniversary of legalized abortion in America, and in... Read more

U.S. Capitol, Senate side, public domain.

Senate fails to advance bill to ban federal abortion funding

Jan 18, 2019

In a procedural vote on Thursday, the Republican-led U.S. Senate failed to advance a bill that would prohibit taxpayer funding... Read more

US Capitol dome.

Pro-life Congress members ask Trump to veto any bills that expand abortion

Jan 16, 2019

By Christine Rousselle

Pro-life members of Congress this week sent U.S. President Donald Trump two companion letters requesting that he veto any legislation... Read more