George Floyd

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 US President Donald Trump holds up a Bible outside of St John's Episcopal church across Lafayette Park in Washington, DC on June 1, 2020.

Trump says he will dispatch troops if riots continue

Jun 1, 2020

During a speech from the Rose Garden on June 1, President Donald Trump pledged to deploy the U.S. military if... Read more

Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Denver.

Churches in 6 states damaged by violent protests

Jun 1, 2020

By Christine Rousselle

Churches in California, Minnesota, New York, Kentucky, Texas, and Colorado have been attacked during recent violent protests.  Read more

Cardinal Blase Cupich of Chicago.

‘Covert White Supremacy’ tweet does not reflect Church’s values, Chicago archdiocese says

Jun 1, 2020

By Jonah McKeown

A chart detailing “Covert White Supremacy”— which a Chicago archdiocese office shared online amid widespread protests against racism in the... Read more

Protest for George Floyd in Minneapolis, May 26, 2020.

Archbishop Gomez on racism: 'It should not be this way in America'

Jun 1, 2020

The leader of the country’s largest Catholic diocese and the president of the U.S. bishops’ conference addressed the weekend’s violence... Read more


Christ can overcome racism, Minnesota priest says at George Floyd prayer service 

May 29, 2020

By Christine Rousselle

The love of Christ can overcome the sin of racism, the pastor of a historic Minnesota African-American parish said Friday,... Read more

A protester demonstrates after the death of George Floyd.

‘Racism is not a thing of the past’ – US bishops respond to George Floyd killing

May 29, 2020

Leaders of the U.S. bishops’ conference responded to the killing of an African American man in Minneapolis this week by... Read more

RIP George has been painted on a wall after a night of protests and violence on May 29, 2020 in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

After death of George Floyd, Minnesota Catholics pray for justice

May 29, 2020

By JD Flynn

While rioters and looters took to the streets, and parts of Minneapolis burned, some Minnesota Catholics called for justice, for... Read more