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Shanghai Bishop Shen Bin speaks to Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin at a Vatican conference on Wednesday, May 22, 2024.

Bishop of Shanghai defends China’s religious freedom record at Vatican conference

May 22, 2024

By Courtney Mares

The controversial Chinese bishop was a featured speaker at a Vatican conference beside Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin. Read more


Shanghai bishop calls on faithful to support Chinese Community Party’s ‘sinicization’ of Church  

Nov 10, 2023

By Matthew Santucci

Bishop Joseph Shen Bin was unilaterally appointed as bishop of Shanghai in April without a papal mandate. Read more

Flag of the People's Republic of China

Newly elected Chinese Church leaders allied with government vow to proceed with sinicization

Aug 24, 2022

By Charlotte Evans

Chinese bishops allied with the government have promised to proceed with the “sinicization” of Catholicism in China. Read more

The flags of the People's Republic of China and of Vatican City.

Chinese campaigns to control Christianity worsened in 2019, watchdog says

Mar 10, 2020

The Chinese government’s campaign to develop “religion with Chinese characteristics” has increased persecution of the country’s Christians, the human rights... Read more