Synod on Synodality Updates and Latest News

The Synod on Synodality, initiated by Pope Francis in October 2021, is a multiyear process initiated by Pope Francis to enhance the communion, participation, and mission of the Church. The Catholic Church’s massive synodal process has already undergone diocesan, national, and continental stages. It culminates in two global assemblies at the Vatican. The first monthlong session of the Synod on Synodality, concluded on Oct. 29, 2023, with the finalization of a 42-page synthesis report. The October 2024 session is expected to produce a final report, which will be presented to Pope Francis for his consideration in issuing any related teaching.

The Latest

Pope Francis made his remarks on synodality during an annual meeting for moderators of international associations of the faithful, ecclesial movements, and new communities, organized by the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life on June 13, 2024.

Synod on Synodality: Bishops launch regional workshops ahead of October meeting in Rome

Aug 22, 2024

By Kristina Millare

Around the world, bishops together with the Catholic faithful of their dioceses are gearing up for the second session of... Read more

Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, relator general of Synod on Synodality, speaks to the media on June 20, 2023, at the temporary headquarters of the Holy See Press Office in Vatican City.

Synod organizer Cardinal Hollerich: Catholic Church in Africa ‘not afraid to speak’

Aug 20, 2024

By Tyler Arnold

The prelate told La Croix that the Church in Africa is one that is “alive and full of faith” and... Read more

Pope Francis offers a prayer at the conclusion of the 2023 Synod on Synodality.

Vatican office deletes online poll showing negative response to Synod on Synodality

Jul 29, 2024

By Kristina Millare

Posted Friday, the poll asked: “Do you believe that synodality as a path of conversion and reform can enhance the... Read more

Delegates to the Synod on Synodality meet in the final days of the synod, Oct. 25, 2023.

Synod organizer says Vatican doctrine office is studying women deacons

Jul 9, 2024

By Courtney Mares

Cardinal Mario Grech said the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith is studying “the women’s diaconate” within the context... Read more

Pope Francis among the delegates of the Synod on Synodality, held in October of 2023.

These are the members of the Synod on Synodality study groups

Jul 9, 2024

By Hannah Brockhaus

The Instrumentum Laboris, the guiding document for the October 2024 assembly, makes reference to these study groups throughout. Read more

Bishops process into St. Peter's Basilica for the closing Mass of the first assembly of the Synod on Synodality on Oct. 29, 2023.

New Instrumentum Laboris focuses on how to implement goals of Synod on Synodality

Jul 9, 2024

By Hannah Brockhaus

“Without tangible changes, the vision of a synodal Church will not be credible,” the Instrumentum Laboris, or “working tool,” says. Read more

Pope Francis leads the Synod on Synodality delegates in prayer on Oct. 25, 2023.

Vatican to publish Instrumentum Laboris for October’s Synod on Synodality meeting

Jul 3, 2024

By Hannah Brockhaus

The Instrumentum Laboris, or “working tool” for the upcoming 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, will be... Read more

Delegates vote to approve a synthesis report at the conclusion of the Synod on Synodality on Oct. 28, 2023.

Theologians conclude evaluation of synod reports after Rome meeting

Jun 14, 2024

By Tyler Arnold

A group of 20 theologians concluded an evaluation of 107 synod reports from national bishops’ conferences and Eastern Catholic Churches... Read more

Building of the general curia of the Jesuit order on Borgo Santo Spirito, Rome.

UPDATE: Theologians hold closed-door meeting in Rome on guidance document for October synod

Jun 5, 2024

By Hannah Brockhaus

The June 4–13 closed-door gathering of experts in theology, ecclesiology, and canon law is being held at the Jesuit general... Read more

Pope Francis among the delegates of the Synod on Synodality held in October 2023.

U.S. bishops’ synod synthesis reveals desire for greater unity, evangelization

May 29, 2024

By Jonah McKeown

“This document reflects the sense that there exists among Catholics in the United States a deep desire to rebuild and... Read more

Landscape view of Sacrofano, Italy, north of Rome.

Cardinal Grech opens world meeting of priests: ‘Our stories are human stories’

Apr 29, 2024

By Matthew Santucci

The four-day meeting, which is taking place from April 29 to May 2 at the Fraterna Domus retreat house in... Read more

Father Artur Bubnevych, pastor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Byzantine Catholic Church in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Byzantine Catholic priest ‘overjoyed’ to join special Synod on Synodality meeting

Apr 4, 2024

By Martin Barillas

Father Artur Bubnevych said he is honored and delighted to be among the five priests from the U.S. selected to... Read more

Cardinal Mario Grech and Pope Francis at the conclusion of the Synod on Synodality on Oct. 28, 2023.

Cardinal Grech’s controversial comments add to list of concerns on postsynodal study groups

Mar 29, 2024

By Jonathan Liedl

The Maltese cardinal stated in a recent interview that a female diaconate would not be a “revolution” but a “natural... Read more

Father Joseph Friend, Father Artur Bubnevych, and Father Donald Planty are among five U.S. parish priests who have been selected to attend a global gathering of 300 priests at the Vatican from April 28 to May 2, 2024, as part of the ongoing Synod on Synodality.

Five U.S. Catholic priests chosen to attend Synod on Synodality meeting at the Vatican

Mar 20, 2024

By Jonah McKeown

In a March 20 announcement, the USCCB said the five priests consist of four Latin rite priests and one Eastern... Read more

Cardinal Mario Grech and Pope Francis at the conclusion of the Synod on Synodality on Oct. 28, 2023.

Pope Francis: Study groups to examine 10 Synod on Synodality themes through June 2025

Mar 14, 2024

By Matthew Santucci

Church experts will meet in study groups to examine the question of women deacons and other key topics through June... Read more

Pope Francis at the Synod on Synodality’s closing Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica on Oct. 29, 2023.

Pope Francis launches study groups to analyze Synod on Synodality’s key issues

Feb 17, 2024

By Courtney Mares

The Vatican announced Saturday that Pope Francis has launched synodal study groups to analyze key issues ahead of October’s Synod... Read more

Cardinal Joseph Zen is bishop emeritus of Hong Kong.

Cardinal Zen publishes new critique of Synod on Synodality

Feb 16, 2024

By Matthew Santucci

The bishop emeritus of Hong Kong warns that the synod’s vision of the Church “can change everything, the doctrine of... Read more

The cross of the German “Synodal Way.”

German Catholics ask bishops to reconsider Synodal Way plans

Feb 15, 2024

By AC Wimmer

Ahead of a high-stakes gathering of the German bishops next Monday, a lay group warned the prelates of moving “further... Read more

Pope Francis at the Synod on Synodality on Oct. 6, 2023.

Synod on Synodality organizers invite 300 parish priests to a listening session in Rome

Feb 3, 2024

By Courtney Mares

Synod on Synodality organizers are inviting 300 parish priests to come to Rome for a meeting of “listening, prayer, and... Read more

Pope Francis leads the Synod on Synodality delegates in prayer on Oct. 25, 2023.

American dioceses will hold local synod ‘listening sessions’ through Lent 2024

Jan 6, 2024

By Tyler Arnold

The bishops’ conference suggested that dioceses hear from “voices that may not have been heard in earlier stages of the... Read more