Pope Francis Latest News

These are the latest news about Pope Francis, the Vatican, and the Catholic Church, provided by the Vatican staff of Catholic News Agency, a service of EWTN News.

The Latest

Bishop Dominique Rey during an April 23, 2013 interview at the Hotel Columbus in Rome.

Bishop Rey reflects on Pope's liturgy, evangelization connection

Apr 29, 2013

Pope Francis understands the important role the liturgy plays in the New Evangelization and combines it with his own style... Read more


Pope stresses workers' dignity after Bangladesh factory collapse

Apr 28, 2013

Pope Francis offered condolences and prayers, along with calls for worker safety, after a factory collapsed and killed more than... Read more

Pope Francis celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation at a Papal Mass on April 28, 2013.

Pope confirms young people, calls them to be 'steadfast'

Apr 28, 2013

At a Mass where he confirmed 44 young people, Pope Francis encouraged the youth of the world to persist in... Read more

Papal Inauguration Mass in St. Peter's Square for Pope Francis on March 19, 2013.

Worldliness poses danger to priestly identity, Pope says

Apr 27, 2013

By Carl Bunderson

The biggest threat to priests is the temptation to be more immersed in the world than the Gospel, says Pope... Read more

Members of the Chesterton Academy and the American Chesterton Society joined together for a pilgrimage to Rome.

Society president sees Pope Francis, Chesterton link

Apr 27, 2013

By Kevin J. Jones

The American Chesterton Society's thrilling experience of being in Rome during Pope Francis' election has led the group's leader to... Read more

Cardinal Ruben Salazar Gomez speaks to CNA on April 24, 2013 in Rome.

Church will benefit from Latin America's evangelization history

Apr 26, 2013

Before meeting with the first Latin American Pope on Thursday, Colombian Cardinal Rubén Salazar Gomez said the South American Church... Read more


Letter from Pope to Jesuit brother highlights gratitude

Apr 26, 2013

Mario Rafael Rausch, a Jesuit brother from Argentina who lives at the San Miguel School in Buenos Aires, said that... Read more


Pope says life is 'journey of preparation' for heaven

Apr 26, 2013

“The whole journey of life is a journey of preparation” for heaven, Pope Francis said during his homily at Friday... Read more

Father Federico Lombardi speaks at a March 5, 2013 Vatican press conference.

Pope's plans for encyclical, travel disclosed

Apr 26, 2013

Pope Francis could issue his first encyclical this year and so far is only planning one international trip in 2013,... Read more

Pope Francis in Paul VI Hall during an audience on March 16, 2013.

Church must evangelize humbly, Pope Francis reflects

Apr 25, 2013

Christians are called to do the great work of evangelizing to the ends of the world in a spirit of... Read more

Pope Francis rides through St. Peter's Square on Palm Sunday, March 24, 2013.

Sanctity is central to Church outreach, Pope stresses

Apr 25, 2013

By Carl Bunderson

Church leadership and outreach must be rooted in the pursuit of holiness and always attentive to the dignity of each... Read more

Pope Francis gives his blessing at the Wednesday general audience on April 24, 2013.

Pope urges Christians to remember final judgment

Apr 24, 2013

Christians should not be frightened of the final judgment but should let it affect how they live, Pope Francis told... Read more

Pope Francis celebrates Mass in St. John Lateran on March 29, 2013.

Jesus not found outside the Church, Pope preaches

Apr 23, 2013

Pope Francis said that people cannot be fully united to Jesus outside of the Church during a Mass to commemorate... Read more


Pope responds to bishops' kidnapping with 'intense prayer'

Apr 23, 2013

Pope Francis is responding to the kidnapping of two Orthodox bishops in Syria with “intense prayer” for their health and... Read more

Pope Francis greets the crowds outside the Basilica of St. John Lateran on April 7, 2013.

Newly translated book shows Pope, rabbi in dialogue

Apr 23, 2013

By Michelle La Rosa, Carl Bunderson

The first book by Pope Francis to be translated into English was co-authored by an Argentine rabbi and illustrates the... Read more

St. George's feast becomes Vatican holiday this year

Apr 22, 2013

St. George's feast day falling on April 23 means Vatican employees will have the day off to celebrate the saint... Read more


No room for self-promoters in God's kingdom, Pope says

Apr 22, 2013

Pope Francis warned that some people, even in the Church, are “social climbers” that try to promote themselves, instead of... Read more


Being Christian means risking following Jesus, Pope teaches

Apr 22, 2013

Lukewarm Christians try to build a church that conforms to their own common sense and see too much risk in... Read more

Pope Francis ordained ten men as priests in St. Peter's Basilica on April 21, 2013.

Minister with constant joy, Pope Francis counsels new priests

Apr 21, 2013

Pope Francis ordained 10 men as priests this morning, reminding them that they should carry out their ministry with “constant... Read more

Pope Francis presides over the Regina Caeli on April 21, 2013.

Ask Jesus what he wants and be brave, Pope tells youth

Apr 21, 2013

Just after ordaining 10 men to the priesthood, Pope Francis called on young Catholics to ask Jesus “what he wants... Read more