Pope Francis Latest News

These are the latest news about Pope Francis, the Vatican, and the Catholic Church, provided by the Vatican staff of Catholic News Agency, a service of EWTN News.

The Latest

Pope Francis celebrates Mass in remembrance of Bishops and Cardinals who died during the past year on November 4, 2013.

Pope: our strength, hope is in the mercy of God

Nov 5, 2013

By Elise Harris

At a special Mass honoring all of the bishops and cardinals who have died during the past year, Pope Francis... Read more

Pope Francis celebrates Mass at Rome's Verano Cemetery Nov. 1.

Pope calls Feast of All Saints a 'day of hope'

Nov 3, 2013

Pope Francis offered Mass on All Saints’ Day at a Roman cemetery, preaching on the importance of hope in Christian... Read more

Pope Francis greets pilgrims in St. Peter's Square Oct. 2.

Pope praises 'ridiculous' tax collector who sought Jesus

Nov 3, 2013

In his Angelus message to the crowds in St. Peter’s Square, Pope Francis praised the ‘ridiculous’ actions of Zaccheus, the... Read more

Pope Francis.

Pope prays at papal tombs on Feast of All Souls

Nov 2, 2013

Late Saturday afternoon Pope Francis went to the Vatican grottos to pray in private for the souls of the deceased... Read more

Pope Francis celebrates Palm Sunday Mass on March 24, 2013 in St. Peter's Square.

Knights' Pope Francis documentary to re-air on Sunday

Nov 1, 2013

A new documentary on Pope Francis by the Knights of Columbus, entitled “Francis: The Pope from the New World,” will... Read more

Pope Francis greets pilgrims in St. Peter's Square before the Wednesday general audience October 30, 2013.

Pope Francis: Sanctity is for everyone, saints are not 'supermen'

Nov 1, 2013

On the Feast of All Saints, Pope Francis stressed that the saints are not “supermen” who are “born perfect,” but... Read more

Pope Francis celebrates Mass at the Basilica of St. John Lateran on April 7, 2013.

Pope was concerned interview could be misunderstood, writer says

Oct 31, 2013

By Andrea Gagliarducci

According to a Catholic writer in Italy, Pope Francis was aware that his reported words in an Oct. 1 interview... Read more

Pope Francis greets the crowds outside the Basilica of St. John Lateran on April 7, 2013

Love of God 'scorches' our selfishness, Pope says

Oct 30, 2013

By Elise Harris

In his general audience Pope Francis continued his reflections on the Creed, stressing the centrality of the Communion of Saints... Read more

Pope reaches 10 million followers on Twitter

Oct 29, 2013

Pope Francis has passed 10 million followers across nine different language accounts on the popular social media network Twitter, where... Read more

U.S. ambassador to the Holy See, Kenneth F. Hackett speaks with CNA on Oct. 25, 2013.

US ambassador to Vatican united with Pope in care for poor

Oct 25, 2013

By Elise Harris

The new United States ambassador to the Holy See revealed his shared concern with Pope Francis for those who are... Read more

Pope Francis greets pilgrims during his Wednesday audience on Oct. 2, 2013.

Pope: Sacrament of Confession is not a 'torture chamber'

Oct 25, 2013

By Elise Harris

During his daily Mass Pope Francis centered his homily on the Sacrament of Reconciliation, stressing that sin is an everyday... Read more

Vatican's Saint Martha guesthouse.

Attachment to money is a sickness, Pope Francis says

Oct 21, 2013

By Elise Harris

During his daily mass homily Pope Francis warned those in attendance against the idolatry present in greedy hearts, stressing that... Read more

Pope Francis greets pilgrims druing his general audience Sept. 25, 2013.

Pope: Prayer helps 'overcome evil with good'

Oct 20, 2013

Pope Francis in his Sunday Angelus greeting taught that prayer is a ‘weapon’ in the struggle against evil.  Read more

Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square Oct. 13.

Pope: Art expresses the beauty of faith

Oct 19, 2013

The creative arts help proclaim the gospel, explore the mysteries of Christian faith and reflect the quest for the “supreme... Read more

Pope Francis during his general audience on Sept. 25, 2013.

Elderly priests, sisters are 'true shrines of holiness,' Pope says

Oct 18, 2013

By Elise Harris

During his daily Mass homily Pope Francis reflected on various biblical figures who experienced difficulty in their old age, and... Read more

Archbishop Konrad Krajewski, papal almoner.

Franciscan reform seen in Papal Charities office appointment

Oct 16, 2013

By Andrea Gagliarducci

Pope Francis' Oct. 12 appointment of Monsignor Diego Ravelli as office chief of the Office of Papal Charities rounds out... Read more

Pope Francis during his general audience on Sept. 25, 2013.

Christ empowers us to be missionaries, Pope Francis says

Oct 16, 2013

By Elise Harris

In his weekly general audience, Pope Francis continued his reflections on the Creed, drawing attention to the Church's apostolic nature... Read more

Harley-Davidson motorcycle riders joined pilgrims in St. Peter's Square for the Pope's Sunday Angelus June 16, 2013.

Pope to auction Harley Davidson motorcycle to benefit homeless

Oct 16, 2013

Pope Francis has donated his Harley Davidson motorcycle to be sold to raise money for a hostel and soup kitchen... Read more

Pope Francis holds an audience with students from Jesuit-run schools in Italy and Albania in Paul VI Hall June 7, 2013

Pope cautions against idolatry which punctures, 'stifles' the faith

Oct 15, 2013

By Elise Harris

In his daily Mass homily, Pope Francis warned of the presence of idolatry in our lives, urging each person present... Read more

St. Peter's Square.

Cardinal Bertone steps down from role as Vatican Secretary of State

Oct 15, 2013

By Elise Harris

In a farewell ceremony held at the Vatican, former state secretary Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone stepped down from the position –... Read more