Pope Francis Latest News

These are the latest news about Pope Francis, the Vatican, and the Catholic Church, provided by the Vatican staff of Catholic News Agency, a service of EWTN News.

The Latest

Pope Francis waves in St. Peter's Square Sept. 26, 2018.

When correcting others, remember one's own faults, pope says

Mar 3, 2019

By Hannah Brockhaus

To be effective teachers of the faith, Catholics must be cognizant of their own sins and shortcomings when giving correction... Read more

Vatican press conference led by interim press director Alessandro Gisotti, 18 Feb. 2019.

Analysis: Abuse summit ends with more questions than answers

Mar 1, 2019

By Hannah Brockhaus

The Vatican sex abuse summit promised to give victims, Catholics, and journalists answers to their questions about the crisis of... Read more

Pope Francis at the general audience Feb. 27, 2019.

Pope Francis: Evil’s days are numbered

Feb 27, 2019

By Courtney Mares

Pope Francis said Wednesday that evil is limited compared to the expanding force of God’s holiness in the world.  Read more

Pope’s Lenten message focuses on renewal of creation

Feb 26, 2019

By Courtney Mares

The redemption of creation takes center stage in Pope Francis’ Lenten message this year, which connects man’s sinfulness to environmental... Read more

Pope Francis greets youth pilgrims at Santo Tomas University in Manila on Jan. 18, 2015.

Pope Francis to publish document on youth synod

Feb 25, 2019

By Hannah Brockhaus

The Vatican announced Sunday that Pope Francis will publish in March a post-synodal exhortation on last October’s synod on young... Read more

A view of St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City.

Abuse summit follow-up to include new child protection law for Vatican

Feb 24, 2019

By Hannah Brockhaus

A Vatican spokesman said Sunday that concrete follow-up to this week’s abuse summit will include a new law on child... Read more

Pope Francis makes closing remarks for the Vatican abuse summit in the Sala Regia Feb. 24, 2019.

Pope Francis: Church will focus on 8 points in 'all-out battle' against abuse

Feb 24, 2019

By Courtney Mares

Pope Francis Sunday outlined eight points that the Church will focus on in an “all-out battle” against the sexual abuse... Read more

Pope Francis takes part in a penitential liturgy during a Vatican summit on sex abuse Feb. 23, 2019.

'What have I failed to do?' - Pope leads bishops in abuse crisis examination of conscience

Feb 23, 2019

By Hannah Brockhaus

Pope Francis Saturday led the presidents of the world’s bishops’ conferences in a penitential liturgy and examination of conscience on... Read more

Pope Francis at the meeting on protection of minors in the Church in the Vatican's New Synod Hall, Feb. 21, 2019.

Pope proposes 21 'reflection points' for discussion at abuse summit

Feb 21, 2019

By Hannah Brockhaus

Pope Francis on Thursday gave participants in a Vatican summit on protection of minors in the Church a list of... Read more

7 September 2017 - celebration of the pilgrimage summorum pontificum for the tenth anniversary, cardinal of the Holy Roman Church Raymond Burke  EmanueleCapoferri / Shutterstock

Dubia cardinals ask bishops to confront ‘conspiracy of silence’

Feb 20, 2019

Cardinal Walter Brandmüller and Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke wrote in a Feb. 19 letter that the “horrible crime” of clerical... Read more

Pope Francis at the general audience April 20, 2016.

Only God loves perfectly, Pope Francis says

Feb 20, 2019

By Hannah Brockhaus

Despite the best efforts of human beings, it is only God the Father who will never fall short in loving... Read more

October 3, 2018 - Vatican City: The 15th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops.

Analysis: What can the Vatican sex abuse summit deliver?

Feb 18, 2019

By Ed Condon

The wider purpose of the three-day meeting is to impress the seriousness of the child abuse crisis on bishops from... Read more

Cardinal Luis Tagle visits Kutupalong refugee camp in Bangladesh, Dec. 3, 2018.

Report: Children living in the shadow of war

Feb 18, 2019

A new report commissioned by an international children’s charity has revealed that 420 million children, or nearly one in five... Read more

Bishops at the 2015 Synod on the Family in Rome.

A look ahead at this week's Vatican sex abuse meeting

Feb 18, 2019

By Courtney Mares

The Vatican has released the schedule, speakers, and a new website for this week’s much-anticipated sex abuse summit, which will... Read more

Ukrainian Catholic National Shrine of the Holy Family, Washington, D.C.

New archbishop announced for Ukrainian archeparchy in US

Feb 18, 2019

The Vatican announced on Monday that Bishop Boris Gudziak has been named as the new Archbishop of the Ukrainian Archeparchy... Read more

Pope Francis walks in St. Peter's Square Sept. 12, 2018.

Pope Francis asks for prayers ahead of Vatican abuse summit

Feb 17, 2019

By Hannah Brockhaus

Pope Francis Sunday asked for prayers for a meeting of the presidents of bishops’ conferences around the world slated to... Read more

Nicolas Maduro, President of Venezuela.

Analysis: Pope Francis' position on Venezuela

Feb 16, 2019

By Andrea Gagliarducci

Pope Francis’ recent letter to Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro confirmed the Holy See’s position on the Venezuelan crisis, while demonstrating that... Read more

Then-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick arrives at the Vatican on March 5, 2013.

Analysis: After McCarrick sex abuse verdict, money and power questions remain

Feb 16, 2019

By Ed Condon

McCarrick’s laicization answers few of the questions raised by his case, the most pressing of which being how a man... Read more

Theodore McCarrick.

McCarrick laicized by Pope Francis

Feb 16, 2019

By Hannah Brockhaus

Pope Francis and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith ordered this week the laicization of Theodore McCarrick, a... Read more

Pope Francis at the general audience in St. Peter's Square on Nov. 8, 2017.

Pope Francis: Be not afraid of migrants

Feb 15, 2019

By Courtney Mares

Pope Francis said Friday that people need to overcome their fear of migrants and refugees, and look for the face... Read more