Vatican news

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Pope Francis with a surprise visitor on stage at the General Audience in the Vatican on Aug. 17, 2022

Pope Francis: An alliance between old and young will save the family

Aug 17, 2022

By Hannah Brockhaus

Pope Francis on Wednesday emphasized the family’s need for healthy relationships and dialogue between the young and the elderly. Read more


Reform and obedience to the Pope: How two crucial meetings will shape the future of the Order of Malta

Aug 17, 2022

By Andrea Gagliarducci

The debate on the reform of the Order of Malta is entering a crucial phase on Wednesday: Two meetings are... Read more

A consistory for the creation of new cardinals in St. Peter’s Basilica Nov. 28, 2020.

What you need to know about Pope Francis’ next consistory

Aug 17, 2022

By Hannah Brockhaus

On Saturday, Aug. 27, Pope Francis will place a red biretta on the heads of 18 bishops and two priests,... Read more

Pope Francis waves to pilgrims during the Angelus Aug. 14, 2022.

Pope Francis: Faith is like fire, not a lullaby

Aug 14, 2022

By Hannah Brockhaus

“Faith is not a ‘lullaby’ that lulls us to sleep, but rather a living flame to keep us wakeful and... Read more


What is the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy for Life?

Aug 10, 2022

By Hannah Brockhaus

A controversy over a book and statements made on Twitter has recently drawn increased attention to the Vatican's Pontifical Academy... Read more

Pope Francis at the general audience on Aug. 10, 2022

Pope Francis: The desire for ‘eternal youth’ and ‘unlimited well-being’ is delusional conceit

Aug 10, 2022

By Courtney Mares

Pope Francis said Wednesday that it is “delusional” to try to stop the natural passage of time in pursuit of... Read more

Cardinal Jozef Tomko in 2018 at a shrine on Mount Zvir, above the village of Litmanová, Slovakia.

Cardinal Tomko, oldest living cardinal, dead at 98

Aug 8, 2022

By Hannah Brockhaus

Cardinal Jozef Tomko died early Monday morning in Rome at the age of 98. At the time of his death,... Read more

Pope Francis gives his weekly Angelus address Sunday, Aug. 7, 2022.

Pope Francis: Put your trust in God and his care for you

Aug 7, 2022

By Hannah Brockhaus

“Do not be afraid — this is the certainty that your hearts should be attached to,” Pope Francis said. Read more

Pope Francis meets with Metropolitan Anthony of Volokolamsk at the Vatican, August 5, 2022

Ahead of trip to Kazakhstan, Pope Francis meets with Russian Orthodox Metropolitan Anthony

Aug 5, 2022

By AC Wimmer

Metropolitan Anthony of Volokolamsk, the new head of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations, met with Pope Francis... Read more

Pope Francis speaking to participants of an Italian youth camp on August 5, 2022

Pope Francis calls on young people to turn to Jesus like Blessed Carlo Acutis did

Aug 5, 2022

By AC Wimmer

Pope Francis told young Catholics on Friday that Jesus is not just a moral precept but a person and a... Read more

Pope Francis walked with a cane into Paul VI Hall for his Wednesday audience on Aug. 3, 2022.

Pope Francis: Canada is ‘writing a new page’ in Church’s relationship with indigenous peoples

Aug 3, 2022

By Courtney Mares

The pope said that his visit to Canada was "a different journey” from the other international trips of his pontificate. Read more

Pope Francis speaking to journalists on the flight from Canada to Rome, Italy, on July 30, 2022

Full text: Pope Francis’ in-flight press conference from Canada

Jul 30, 2022

By Pope Francis

Pope Francis returned to Rome on Saturday after a week-long trip to Canada. During the July 24 to 30 trip,... Read more

Pope Francis speaks during an in-flight press conference from Malta, April 3, 2022.

Pope Francis on birth control: Can the teaching of the Church on contraception change?

Jul 30, 2022

By Courtney Mares

Can the Church’s teaching on birth control change? During Pope Francis’ return flight from Canada, a journalist asked him about... Read more

Pope Francis prays with journalists on a papal flight August 14, 2014.

Pope Francis: Canada's residential schools system was 'cultural genocide'

Jul 30, 2022

By AC Wimmer

Pope Francis has agreed with the view that the forced removal of Indigenous children and their treatment in Canada’s residential... Read more

Pope Francis speaking with journalists on the papal plane on July 30.

Pope Francis says he has 'said all he has to say' in 2019 letter to German Catholics about the 'Synodal Way'

Jul 30, 2022

By AC Wimmer

The latest Vatican intervention against the German "Synodal Way" was published by the Secretariat of State, but he himself has... Read more

Pope Francis speaking to journalists on the flight from Canada to Rome, Italy on July 30, 2022

Pope Francis: ‘The Lord will say’ when it is time to retire

Jul 30, 2022

By Courtney Mares

Pope Francis said Saturday that he is “open” to the possibility of retiring if he discerns that it is God’s... Read more

Pope Francis speaks at the general audience on June 22, 2022.

The Vatican is asking Catholics to share their experiences of helping migrants and refugees

Jul 28, 2022

By Courtney Mares

In a video message released on July 28 ahead of the World Day of Migrants and Refugees, Pope Francis poses... Read more

Pope Francis meets with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at the Vatican on May 29, 2017.

Pope Francis in Canada: A papal pilgrimage for healing and reconciliation

Jul 23, 2022

By Andrea Gagliarducci

The 37th Apostolic Journey of Pope Francis, which will take him to Canada from July 24-30, is a "penitential pilgrimage”... Read more

Mons. Fernando Ocariz.

‘To guard the charism’: In new decree, Pope Francis makes changes to Opus Dei

Jul 22, 2022

By Courtney Mares

Pope Francis issued a document on Friday that changed the oversight of Opus Dei. It also decreed that its leader,... Read more

Father Andrew Small, O.M.I.

The Church must do more for survivors of sexual abuse, Vatican official says

Jul 22, 2022

By Andrea Gagliarducci

The Church must do more for anyone affected by sexual abuse, “even when the Church can appear tarnished because of... Read more