Pro-life pregnancy centers

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Leon is a baby boy cared for and loved at Mary's Shelter, a pro-life maternity home in Fredericksburg, Virginia.

Baby formula shortage: Pro-life pregnancy centers offer aid to moms

May 24, 2022

By Katie Yoder

Here’s another, perhaps lesser-known, option parents can also turn to for help during the baby formula shortage: pregnancy resource centers. Read more


How Texas Catholics pushed to expand support for mothers

Sep 23, 2021

By Christine Rousselle

In addition to two major pro-life bills, the Texas Catholic Conference has successfully pushed for better support for mothers and... Read more

New York bishops push back on bill proposing study of pro-life pregnancy centers

Jul 22, 2020

The New York Catholic bishops have voiced opposition to a bill that would report on the state’s pro-life pregnancy centers,... Read more

Court strikes down Hawaii law requiring pregnancy centers to advertise abortion

Sep 22, 2018

A Hawaii law requiring pro-life doctors and pregnancy centers to advertise for abortion was struck down by a federal district... Read more

Pro-life pregnancy centers served nearly 2 million people last year

Sep 5, 2018

Pro-life pregnancy centers drew nearly 2 million clients in 2017 and provided more than $161 million in free services, according... Read more

US Supreme Court.

Supreme Court sides with pro-life pregnancy centers in California abortion case

Jun 26, 2018

The Supreme Court on Tuesday blocked a California law requiring pro-life pregnancy centers to post information on programs to obtain... Read more

Marisol Health press conference, May 23, 2018.

Pro-life medical clinic demands removal from 'libelous' video

May 24, 2018

By Mary Farrow

A video that frames a Colorado women’s clinic as a bogus, sub-par healthcare provider is libelous, said the clinic’s directors... Read more

NIFLA Pro-Life protest in Washington, D.C. on March 20, 2018.

Pro-life pregnancy centers hopeful after arguing before Supreme Court

Mar 20, 2018

By Christine Rousselle

Attorneys for a pro-life pregnancy center resource group are optimistic following Tuesday’s oral arguments in front of the Supreme Court,... Read more