Benedict XVI Latest News

Read the latest news regarding the late Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, his life, and his legacy.

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Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan is greeted by his brother cardinals at the Feb. 18, 2012 consistory in St. Peter's Basilica. CNA file photo.

Vatican slams media for trying to influence papal vote

Feb 23, 2013

As the conclave to elect a new Pope approaches, the media has ramped up its speculation about why the Pope... Read more

Pope Benedict XVI.

Pope spends final retreat exploring truth, beauty connection

Feb 23, 2013

Benedict XVI finished his final Lenten spiritual exercises as Pope by thanking his collaborators for support and help these last... Read more

Saverio Petrillo, director of the pontifical villas at Castel Gandolfo. File photo CNA.

Castel Gandolfo prepares to receive first retired Pope

Feb 23, 2013

Residents of the town that is home to the Pope’s summer residence say they are happy Pope Benedict is returning... Read more

Catholics praying at Mass.

Poll finds strong approval for Pope Benedict, Catholic tradition

Feb 22, 2013

As the Feb. 28 resignation of Pope Benedict XVI approaches, the vast majority of U.S. Catholics have a favorable view... Read more


God will help choose next Pope, cardinal stresses

Feb 21, 2013

Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani of Lima, Peru, discouraged a spirit of intrigue surrounding the upcoming conclave and said the new... Read more

Fr. Lombardi and Fr. Rosica give Feb. 21, 2013 update at the Vatican press office.

Vatican official: prepare for resignation with spiritual growth, not division

Feb 21, 2013

At a press briefing to preview the Pope’s final events, Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi said now is a time... Read more

Father Federico Lombardi holds a Feb. 21, 2013 briefing at the Vatican press office.

New Pope will handle Pius X Society decision

Feb 21, 2013

The effort to reach an agreement between the Church and the Society of St. Pius X will be passed on... Read more

Msgr. Keith Newton, Ordinary of the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham gives a homily during Mass at the Altar of St. Joseph in St. Peter's Basilica.

Pope praised for trailblazing unity with Anglicans

Feb 21, 2013

By Carl Bunderson

Pope Benedict's move allowing Anglican converts to enter the Catholic Church as a group makes him “the Pope of Christian... Read more

Msgr. Ignacio Barreiro, director of HLI's Rome office, holds a photo of himself with Pope Benedict during a Feb. 15, 2013 interview.

Catholic leaders say Pope will be remembered for marriage defense

Feb 20, 2013

Two leaders from one of the world’s largest pro-life groups think Pope Benedict XVI will be remembered for defending traditional... Read more

Fr. Federico Lombardi speaks Feb. 11, 2013 about Pope Benedict XVI's resignation.

Pope considering changes to papal election rules

Feb 20, 2013

Pope Benedict XVI is considering modifying the laws that govern how a Pope is elected, given the circumstances created by... Read more

Pilgrims in St. Peter's Square for the May 1, 2011 beatification of Pope John Paul II.

Benedict XVI's crowds slightly larger than John Paul II's

Feb 20, 2013

The streets of Rome are beginning to fill with pilgrims coming to see Benedict XVI for one last time, bringing... Read more

World Youth Day pilgrims from across the globe pack into Madrid's famous Cibeles Square to greet the Pope on August 18, 2011.

Young Catholics recall Pope's profound outreach

Feb 20, 2013

As Pope Benedict XVI prepares to conclude his duties as Holy Father, young Catholics are recalling his marked efforts to... Read more

Mother Angelica, Prioress of St. Mary of the Rosary Convent, gives an interview to CNA on Feb. 16, 2013.

Cloistered nun believes monastic life will extend Pope's reach

Feb 19, 2013

Pope Benedict’s decision to dedicate himself to a life of prayer will enable him to impact people who might not... Read more


Pope's brother says resignation is beneficial to Church

Feb 19, 2013

Pope Benedict XVI’s older brother explained that the pontiff’s decision to resign is good for the Body of Christ because... Read more

Susan Hanssen, Associate Professor of History at the University of Dallas, and John Garvey, President of Catholic University of America.

Pope remembered for linking education, love of God

Feb 19, 2013

By Carl Bunderson

Pope Benedict XVI has left a lasting mark on Catholic education by showing how reason and knowledge can lead to... Read more

Fra' Matthew Festing, the 79th Prince and Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, speaks with CNA at the Knights of Malta's headquarters in Rome on Feb 18.

Knights of Malta leader praises Pope's character

Feb 18, 2013

As Pope Benedict XVI serves his last days in office, the head of the Knights of Malta paid tribute to... Read more


Mother who cooked for Pope recalls his paternal care

Feb 18, 2013

A woman who helped cook for the Pope during his visit to Spain in 2011 said the Holy Father looked... Read more

Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi speaks to the Pontifical Council for Culture on Feb. 6, 2013.

Pope's retreat focuses on faces of God and man

Feb 18, 2013

Along with the rest of the Roman Curia, Pope Benedict XVI began his second day of spiritual exercises by reflecting... Read more

Pope Benedict XVI.

Pope says Lent is spiritual battle

Feb 17, 2013

Pope Benedict XVI used his second to last Angelus to tell thousands of pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square that... Read more

Paulist Father Francesco Cupello speaks to CNA in St. Peter's Square after Pope Benedict XVI's meeting with the priests of Rome in Paul VI Hall on Feb 14, 2013.

Rome priests react with sadness to Pope's resignation

Feb 15, 2013

After meeting with Pope Benedict on Thursday, priests from the Rome diocese said they are sad he is retiring and... Read more