Fides et ratio

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In 1984, Pope John Paul II met in Rome with 300,000 young people from all over the world in a meeting that laid the foundations for today’s World Youth Day.

Pontifical universities in Rome host conference on legacy of St. John Paul II

Nov 27, 2024

By Kristina Millare

Twenty years into his pontificate, John Paul II released Fides et Ratio—”Faith and Reason”—on the Sept. 14 feast of the... Read more

Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia speaks at the Vatican, March 25, 2014.

Archbishop Chaput: When we forget faith, we forget our humanity

Sep 14, 2018

When man tries to cling to reason and separate himself from faith, he forgets who he is and loses his... Read more

Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia in September 2014.

Archbishop Chaput: Catholics need faith and reason, not a new paradigm

Feb 22, 2018

By Kevin J. Jones

St. John Paul II’s encyclical Fides et ratio will mark its 20th anniversary this year, on Sept. 14. Archbishop Charles... Read more