Archdicoese for the Military Services USA

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Team Saint Paul schedules frequent adoration for soldiers at Fort Campbell, Kentucky.

Military archdiocese launches initiative to build Catholic communities on military bases

Dec 2, 2024

By Kate Quiñones

Team Saint Paul, a new endeavor by the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA, places team members near military bases. Read more

Father Marcel Taillon, 58, has been appointed the new interim vocations director for the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA.

Amid chaplain shortage, military archdiocese appoints new vocations director

Jan 30, 2024

By Joe Bukuras

The Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA, has appointed a new interim vocations director to focus on recruiting more Catholic... Read more

Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio leads the Archdiocese for the Military Services.

Broglio blasts military hospital for putting for-profit firm in charge of Catholic pastoral care

Apr 8, 2023

By Shannon Mullen

Walter Reed military hospital ended its contract with a community of Franciscan friars just before Holy Week, the Archdiocese of... Read more


COVID-19 vaccine mandate for military nears its end

Dec 9, 2022

By Joe Bukuras

Republicans in the House of Representatives have secured a compromise with Democrats dropping the vaccine mandate from the nation’s annual... Read more

Captain Mark E. Mayor, Malori Mayor, and Captain Matthew N. Mayor, during the International Military Pilgrimage, Lourdes.

Wisdom, gratitude, healing, fellowship: A military family’s journey to Lourdes

May 18, 2019

By Christine Rousselle

Every pilgrim to Lourdes has their own motivations and reasons for making the journey. For the Mayors, the International Military... Read more