Marian Apparitions

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Bishop Salvi announced the determination that the alleged apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Trevignano Romano are not supernatural.

Bishop rules on supposed apparitions of Virgin Mary in Italy

Mar 8, 2024

By Walter Sánchez Silva

After an investigation by a group of experts, an Italian bishop has decreed that the alleged apparitions in Trevignano Romano... Read more


‘Guadalupe: Mother of Humanity’ opens Feb. 22 in U.S. theaters

Feb 19, 2024

By Walter Sánchez Silva

The film, shot in four countries, opens with fictionalized recreations of the five apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Guadalupe... Read more

Statue of Virgin Mary in Medjugorje, Bosnia Herzegovina.

Alleged Marian apparitions the subject of new observatory

May 20, 2023

By Hannah Brockhaus

The task is not “to judge or intervene in alleged apparitions or phenomena but to study how these events take... Read more

Knock Shrine is the site of of an apparition of Mary, the Mother of God; St. Joseph, her spouse; and St. John the Evangelist in 1879.

Biden to visit Our Lady of Knock, Irish site of Marian apparition

Apr 13, 2023

By Tyler Arnold

During President Joe Biden’s four-day trip to Ireland, he plans to visit Our Lady of Knock in Knock, County Mayo. Read more

Our Lady of the Pillar

Why Our Lady of the Pillar is the patroness of Spain and the Americas

Oct 12, 2021

By Alejandro Bermudez

Our Lady of the Pillar (officially in Spanish, Nuestra Señora del Pilar de Zaragoza) is recognized as the first Marian... Read more


Book Review: Visually rich compilation of Marian apparitions is full of spiritual ‘gems’

Sep 8, 2021

By Alejandro Bermudez

Sophia Institute Press and Polish theologian Wincenty Laszewski have successfully completed the task of creating the most ambitious, graphic-rich and... Read more

Meet Our Lady of Kibeho: The only approved Marian apparition in Africa

Jul 19, 2021

By Katie Yoder

There is only one Vatican-approved Marian apparition that took place on the African continent: Our Lady of Kibeho. Read more

The Knock Shrine. Public domain.

Pope Francis: Our Lady of Knock brings a message of hope

Mar 19, 2021

By CNA Staff

Pope Francis said that Our Lady of Knock exemplifies the importance of prayer and hope as he officially designated Knock... Read more

A detail from a painting depicting the Lady of All Nations. Credit: Judgefloro via Wikipedia (CC BY-SA 4.0).

Vatican’s doctrinal office: Don’t promote alleged apparitions connected to ‘Lady of All Nations’

Jan 4, 2021

The Vatican’s doctrinal office has urged Catholics not to promote “the alleged apparitions and revelations” associated with the Marian title of... Read more

Mosaic of the apparition of Our Lady of Knock.

Miraculous healing at Knock Shrine confirmed by Irish bishops

Sep 5, 2019

The Catholic Church in Ireland has for the first time recognized a miracle attached to the Knock Shrine, where a... Read more

A statue of Our Lady.

While Fort Worth bishop says apparition is not real, alleged visionary blames demonic attack

Aug 27, 2019

The Bishop of Fort Worth, Texas, said Monday that alleged appearances of the Blessed Virgin Mary in his diocese are... Read more

Bishop Michael Olson.

Fort Worth bishop has not endorsed alleged messages from Mary

Aug 12, 2019

The Bishop of Fort Worth, Texas has not authenticated alleged apparitions of the Virgin Mary that are said to have... Read more


Pope permits pilgrimages to Medjugorje as apparitions continue to be studied

May 12, 2019

By Hannah Brockhaus

Pope Francis has given the green light for Catholics to organize pilgrimages to Medjugorje, a site of alleged Marian apparitions,... Read more

Photo courtesy of the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Our Lady of Guadalupe: Empress of the Americas

Dec 11, 2018

By Mary Farrow

It would be virtually impossible to travel to Mexico without seeing the colorful, star-cloaked, evil-crushing image of Our Lady of... Read more

The Knock Shrine. Public domain.

What is the Knock Shrine that Pope Francis will visit in Ireland?

Aug 25, 2018

By Christine Rousselle

On Sunday, August 26, Pope Francis will become the second pontiff to visit the Knock Shrine. During his visit, the... Read more

In India, schoolkids say Virgin Mary appeared amid scent of jasmine

Oct 14, 2017

Both Hindu and Catholic schoolchildren in India claim to have witnessed an apparition of Christ and several appearances of the... Read more

Cardinal Jose Saraiva Martins, Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints, speaks to CNA March 16, 2017.

One hundred years later, Fatima still offers a potent message

Oct 7, 2017

By Elise Harris

Although the Fatima apparitions occurred 100 years ago, the Vatican’s resident Fatima expert has said they contain a message that... Read more

John Curry (C) and his cousin Patrick Hill (L), witnesses of Our Lady of Knock. Photo courtesy of Knock Museum Collection, Knock Shrine, Co. Mayo, Ireland.

Cardinal Dolan finds lesson in humility in life of Irish migrant who saw Our Lady

May 23, 2017

By Kevin J. Jones

An Irish immigrant named John Curry passed away in 1943 in New York City after a modest life.  Read more

Pope Francis speaks to journalists aboard his flight from Philadelphia to Rome Sept. 27, 2015.

Pope Francis: I am suspicious of ongoing Medjugorje apparitions

May 13, 2017

By Elise Harris

Asked by journalists about the alleged appearance of the Virgin Mary at Medjugorje, Pope Francis said the original apparitions more... Read more

Our Lady of Fatima.

Visionaries' canonization would 'complete' the Fatima centenary

Mar 28, 2017

Fatima's bishop has said the centenary of the locale's Marian apparition would not be complete without the announcement of the... Read more