Catholic Social Teaching

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A tapestry of St. John Paul II, whose 1991 encyclical Centesimus Annus inspired the foundation which met in Rome this week.

Experts in business, economy, consider Popes' call to solidarity

May 10, 2014

Business leaders, economic analysts and  theologians gathered at the Vatican this week to consider, in light of Catholic social teaching,... Read more

Cardinal Peter Turkson, president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace.

Cardinal encourages business schools to form principled leaders

Apr 2, 2014

By Adelaide Mena

Cardinal Peter Turkson has encouraged business school faculty to teach their students about the Church's social teaching and to form... Read more

Pope Francis in Paul VI Hall during an audience on March 16, 2013.

Labor upholds human dignity, Pope says

Mar 20, 2014

Pope Francis addressed the central role of employment in realizing human dignity during a special audience with steelworkers and residents... Read more

File photo/CNA.

New app promotes Catholic social teaching

Feb 9, 2014

A new iPhone and iPad application from a Washington, D.C., think tank aims to spread Catholic social teaching through Church... Read more

Dr. Cristoph von Ritter speaks with CNA on Nov. 21, 2013

Doctor warns of 'utilitarian' anthropology in care of elderly

Nov 22, 2013

By Elise Harris

During a conference for health care workers, a Swiss doctor spoke of the world’s increasing elderly population, noting the importance... Read more


Spanish priest warns against ignorance of Church social teaching

Sep 12, 2013

The Church’s social doctrine is central for the life of the faithful, said a Spanish priest, and widespread ignorance of... Read more

In tough times, Catholics of Detroit provide 'voice of hope'

Aug 1, 2013

By Adelaide Mena

In the wake of Detroit’s decision to file for bankruptcy, Catholics in the city are using a variety of venues... Read more

Bishop David M. O'Connell of the Diocese of Trenton.

Bishop calls for social action to address migrants’ challenges

Jul 17, 2013

By Adelaide Mena

Bishop David O'Connell has issued a pastoral statement challenging Catholics to reach across partisan boundaries to pray and act for... Read more

Archbishop Jose H. Gomez. (File photo/CNA).

Be not afraid of immigrants, Archbishop Gomez encourages

Jun 28, 2013

By Carl Bunderson

In a new book marking Independence Day, the archbishop of Los Angeles addresses immigration reform in the context of the... Read more

National parks, forests and wilderness areas become landfills in wake of border crossing.

Migrants on Mexico's border face 'nightmares,' priest says

Jun 11, 2013

By Carl Bunderson

Harsh conditions and persecution confront migrants in Mexico, many of whom have been deported from the U.S., according to a... Read more

Archbishop José H. Gomez of Los Angeles speaks during a press conference at the 2012 USCCB Fall General Assembly.

US bishops praise immigration bill's advance in senate

May 23, 2013

The U.S. bishops welcomed a U.S. Senate committee's passage of a major immigration bill as an “important step,” urging the... Read more


Study shows undocumented immigrants largely Christian

May 18, 2013

A new study says that undocumented immigrants to the U.S. tend to be more Christian than the general population, while... Read more

A demonstration is held outside Primark flagship store over Bangladesh factory disaster.

Bangladesh tragedy sparks call for retail accountability

May 15, 2013

By Carl Bunderson

After the collapse of a garment factory in Bangladesh which killed at least 1,127 workers, demands for better oversight from... Read more

Union members rally Dec. 11, 2012 at the Michigan State Capitol to protest a vote on Right-to-Work legislation.

Catholics see two sides to Michigan's new union limits

Dec 14, 2012

By Kevin J. Jones

Catholic commentators have weighed in on both sides of the controversial “right to work” labor bill in the longtime union... Read more

Deacon Keith Fournier and Deal Hudson.

Commentators say pro-Obama Catholics misrepresent record

Sep 27, 2012

The Catholic commentators Deacon Keith Fournier and Deal Hudson, in their new column to run daily through the upcoming elections,... Read more

Father Sinclair Oubre, JCL.

Use Labor Day to remember Catholic social doctrine, priest says

Sep 3, 2012

By Kevin J. Jones

A Catholic priest involved in labor advocacy says that Labor Day is a time to reflect on Catholic teaching about... Read more