Donald Trump

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Donald Trump.

Can a Catholic in good conscience vote for Trump?

Mar 16, 2016

As Republican frontrunner Donald Trump moves closer to the presidential nomination, Catholics are questioning whether voting for the billionaire-turned-politician is... Read more

Abp. Jose Gomez at the Pontifical North American College on May 2, 2015.

Archbishop Gomez: The Pope's focus is human suffering, not Donald Trump

Feb 19, 2016

The controversy surrounding Pope Francis’ off-the-cuff statements on his return flight from Mexico – and Donald Trump’s response – should... Read more

Pope Francis.

UPDATED: If Trump only builds walls he's not Christian, Pope Francis says

Feb 18, 2016

By Elise Harris, Alan Holdren

During his inflight news conference en route from Juarez to Rome, Pope Francis responded to recent criticism from Republican U.S.... Read more

Donald Trump.

Could Trump's Muslim ban threaten everyone's religious freedom?

Jan 14, 2016

A prominent proposal by GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump would ban Muslim immigrants from entering the U.S. and would monitor... Read more

Cardinal Timothy Dolan.

Cardinal Dolan slams Trump's 'virulent' immigration remarks

Jul 29, 2015

For Cardinal Dolan, the “virulent strain” of American nativism is not a thing of the past – it's alive, well... Read more