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Pope Francis greets pilgrims in St. Peter's Square during his Sept. 9, 2015 general audience.

Nonviolent politics to be the focus of next World Day of Peace

Aug 26, 2016

By Elise Harris

Announced Friday, the theme Pope Francis selected for the 2017 World Day of Peace focuses on nonviolence as a political... Read more

Mary. Artist Giovanni Battista Gaulli, Museu da Casa Brasileira. Wikimedia Commons.

France offering all Assumption Masses for the country's intentions

Aug 15, 2016

By Elise Harris

Following the wave of Islamist terror attacks that have bloodied France since last year, the country’s bishops have decided to... Read more

How the Church can help bring peace to Africa

Aug 2, 2016

Grassroots movements, local communities, and faith-based organizations – especially the Catholic Church – have an important role to play in... Read more

Racial tensions spark day of prayer, peace task force with US bishops

Jul 23, 2016

After several shootings and increased racial tensions around the country, the head of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops... Read more

St. Peter's Basilica at the Vigil of Divine Mercy, April 2, 2016.

What the Holy See has to say about conflict in the Middle East

Jul 14, 2016

If peace is to be achieved in the Middle East, it will be a joint effort, requiring the cooperation of... Read more

Gloria Purvis. Courtesy of National Black Catholic Congress.

What's missing from the national conversation on race, violence, and lethal force? You.

Jul 14, 2016

In the wake of last week’s horrific deaths of Dallas police officers Brent Thompson, Lorne Ahrens, Michael Krol, Michael Smith,... Read more

A prayer vigil in Dallas for the injured and killed policemen in a July 8 attack in Dallas.

Be healers in a hurting world, Catholic bishops say after shootings

Jul 8, 2016

Amid tensions following two high profile police shootings of African-Americans and the subsequent killing of police in Dallas, Catholic bishops... Read more

Pope Francis.

Pope to world leaders: if you want to help Syrians, stop funding the war

Jul 5, 2016

By Elise Harris

In his message for a new campaign promoting peace in Syria, Pope Francis called out world leaders who speak of... Read more

Pope Francis and Catholicos Karekin II at the ecumenical meeting and prayer for peace on Saturday, June 25.

Pope to Armenian Church: 'Let us race towards full communion!'

Jun 25, 2016

Working toward full communion is a project of love, humility and peace, Pope Francis told Armenian Orthodox leaders gathered at... Read more

South African bishops rebuke government for spending billions on weapons

May 4, 2016

The Catholic bishops of South Africa have criticized the government for excessive weapons spending given the country’s major social problems.   Read more

Pope Francis at the Wednesday general audience in St. Peter's Square on June 17, 2015.

To obtain peace, we have to fight indifference with mercy, Pope says

Dec 15, 2015

By Elise Harris

Pope Francis’ message for 2016’s World Day of Peace is packed with bold pastoral and practical advice for both the... Read more

Pope Francis arrives in the Central African Republic Nov 29, 2015.

Pope advocates for peace, unity in Central African Republic

Nov 29, 2015

By Elise Harris

After landing in the war-torn Central African Republic, Pope Francis urged the country’s leaders to work for peace and reconciliation,... Read more

Muslim chaplain prays during Islamic holy month of Ramadan.

Don’t let youth fall prey to Islamic extremism, French Muslim leaders say

Nov 27, 2015

France’s leading Muslim organization has called on Muslims to counter radical forms of Islam, especially in the wake of the... Read more

Bishop Joseph Chusak (far right) at the Interreligious Peace March for Paris victims in Thailand, Nov. 19, 2015.

Five religions in Thailand send powerful message to people of Paris

Nov 21, 2015

Uniting with other major faith groups at an interreligious ‘March for Peace,’ Thai Catholics on Thursday offered prayers for the... Read more

Pope Francis bowed in prayer in St. Peter's Basilica on September 2, 2015.

Pope Francis leads synod in praying for peace in the Middle East

Oct 9, 2015

By Elise Harris

This morning, Pope Francis offered one of the synod’s daily moments of prayer for peace in the Middle East, and... Read more

Pope Francis visits the Brazilian community of Varginha July 25, 2013.

For Pope Francis, achieving peace means overcoming indifference

Aug 11, 2015

By Elise Harris

The Vatican announced Tuesday that the theme for 2016’s World Day of Peace will focus on a topic Pope Francis... Read more

Pope Francis celebrates Mass in Sarajevo’s Kosevo Stadium June 6, 2015.

Pope tells Bosnians to be 'tenacious' workers for peace

Jun 6, 2015

By Ann Schneible

During his daytrip to a country still marred by the effects of a recent war, Pope Francis said peace is... Read more

People hold hands during a rally lead by faith leaders in front of Baltimore City Hall on May 3, 2015 in Baltimore, Maryland.

For Catholics in West Baltimore, the only answer to violence is community

May 5, 2015

By Adelaide Mena, Matt Hadro

After unrest erupted in Baltimore following the death of 25 year-old Freddie Gray, Catholics stepped up to restore their communities... Read more

Refugee children at a refugee camp in Duhok, Iraq on March 28, 2015.

Fighting ISIS with a school – Iraqi bishop says education is needed for change

Apr 21, 2015

Bishop Bashar Matti Warda is the bishop of Erbil, Iraq, one of the dioceses most attacked by ISIS, and where... Read more

Pope Francis greets pilgrims in St. Peter's Square during the Wednesday general audience on August 27, 2014.

The solution to North African violence – dialogue and encounter, Pope says

Mar 2, 2015

Pope Francis on Monday encouraged the bishops from northern Africa to dialogue with and encounter other groups, fostering hope for... Read more