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Thousands of Syrians streamed across a bridge over the Tigris River, entering Iraq on Thursday, August 15, 2013.

Turkish border closed as Christian hostages in Syria spike to 250

Feb 26, 2015

By Elise Harris

The number of ISIS hostages in Syria has increased to at least 250 after continued attacks on Christian villages, and... Read more

Migrants at Lampedusa, who flee such situations as the instability in Libya and war and terror in Iraq and Syria.

Political instability, war, and terrorism know no borders – Vatican official

Feb 4, 2015

By Andrea Gagliarducci

As the Vatican's Secretary of State addressed the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean on Monday regarding the shared challenge of... Read more

Maan George Hanna, an Iraqi Christian refugee at a church shelter in Jordan.

Iraqi Christians say there's no going home after rise of Islamic State

Jan 7, 2015

By Kevin J. Jones

Christians lived in Iraq for nearly two thousand years, but the violent rise of the Islamic State has convinced many... Read more

Imad Ibraheem Daood with his wife Sajida and their four children, in a refugee center in Amman.

In refugee limbo, Iraqi Christians keep the faith

Dec 29, 2014

By Kevin J. Jones

Threatened by forced conversion or death at the hands of the Islamic State, many Iraqi Christians have had to flee... Read more

The hands of a Syrian refugee woman.

Debt, illness, discrimination – Syrian refugees struggle in Lebanon

Dec 17, 2014

By Kevin J. Jones

After losing their homes and their livelihoods, Syrian refugees in Lebanon are now finding their plight worsened by the financial... Read more

A young Syrian refugee at school in Ramtha, Jordan on Oct. 27, 2014.

Catastrophe ahead? UN halts Syrian refugee food program

Dec 3, 2014

By Kevin J. Jones

With winter approaching, Congress must act to help Syrian refugees whose basic needs are threatened by the U.N. suspension of... Read more

Young refugees in Istanbul wait for Pope Francis to visit on Nov. 30 2014.

God never forgets his children, Pope Francis tells young refugees

Nov 30, 2014

By Ann Schneible

“Dear young people, do not be discouraged.” Pope Francis made this appeal during an encounter with young refugees in Istanbul,... Read more

Refugee child in Ankaway, Erbil at the opening of his tent_Catholic News Agency.

Knights donate $2 million for Middle East refugee housing

Nov 20, 2014

By Matt Hadro

The Knights of Columbus is putting more than $2 million toward new homes for Iraqi and Syrian refugees fleeing violence,... Read more

Syrian refugees in the Bekaa valley in Lebanon.

Food, blankets and hope – nuns risk lives to serve Syrian refugees

Nov 12, 2014

By Kevin J. Jones

Near the Lebanon-Syria border, two religious sisters are among the staff members at a refugee service center working to give... Read more

A refugee mother with her child, who is having stomach problems and other issues because of the heat.

Displaced Christians in Kurdistan – 'Their tears have run dry'

Oct 30, 2014

Christians who were forced from their homes in northern Iraq by the Islamic State this summer are a people whose... Read more

 A family of Christian refugees in Iraq who are taking shelter at the Syriac Catholic Mrtshmony Shrine in Erbil.

Hard winter looms for Iraq's 'betrayed' Christian refugees

Oct 18, 2014

Despite efforts by northern Iraq’s Catholic bishops to ensure that Christians and other refugees can survive the winter, housing shortages... Read more

Fr. Ghazwan Yousif Baho speaks with CNA in Rome on Oct. 4, 2014.

Priest returning to Iraq: ISIS threatens the whole world

Oct 16, 2014

By Elise Harris

An Iraqi priest who has chosen to return to his city, which lies just six miles from ISIS-controlled territory, said... Read more

Displaced persons in the Central African Republic received aid from CRS in May 2014.

Violence subsides in Central African capital, but what next?

Oct 14, 2014

By Kevin J. Jones

Violence has subsided in the Central African Republic’s capital of Bangui after a week of conflict, but the lack of... Read more

Pope Francis greets pilgrims in St. Peter's Square  June 7, 2014.

Jesus is 'waiting to be recognized in migrants,' Pope stresses

Sep 23, 2014

All Christians must recognize Jesus Christ in migrants and refugees, and welcome them with “respect and solidarity” while avoiding “suspicion... Read more

Christian refugees take refuge in Erbil, Iraq on August 9, 2014.

Iraqi refugees working to help each other survive

Aug 29, 2014

By Hillary Mast

Christians and other religious minorities who have fled areas in Iraq that have fallen under Islamic State control are now... Read more

Refugees who have fled from ISIS and arrived in Ankawa, in the northern part of Erbil, Iraq.

Papal envoy: we must see humanity of each Iraqi refugee

Aug 27, 2014

By Andrea Gagliarducci

The international community must view suffering Iraqi refugees not as a collective group, but as individual persons, each with his... Read more

Bishops hold Mass and procession on US border in support of immigration reform.

Refugees fleeing violence deserve care, bishops emphasize

Aug 8, 2014

Catholic bishops are highlighting the need to care for refugees fleeing violent situations in their homelands as the ongoing influx... Read more

Church response to refugees is part of pro-life call, bishop says

Jul 23, 2014

Answering the needs of refugee migrants is one component of a truly pro-life view, said a U.S. bishop, announcing a... Read more

Children among the crowd who turned out for a town hall meeting in Los Angeles at which Archbishop Jose Gomez spoke on immigration, Jan. 14, 2014. Courtesy of Victor Aleman/

Child migrants may be refugees seeking asylum, experts say

Jun 19, 2014

By Matt Hadro

Two migration experts have said that many unaccompanied child immigrants to the U.S. from Mexico and Central America could qualify... Read more

Pope Francis greets pilgrims at the General Audience held April 16, 2014.

The Church is a family formed by God, Pope says

Jun 18, 2014

By Kevin J. Jones

Pope Francis stressed the familial nature of the Church at his Wednesday General Audience, emphasizing God’s desire to form a... Read more