Freedom of religion

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Ethernet cable with chinese flag in the background.

Beijing bans online evangelization amid religious crackdown

Sep 12, 2018

The Chinese government has increased measures to suppress religious belief and practice. New regulations, published on the government’s legal information... Read more

Cardinal Donald Wuerl of Washington attends the Synod on the Family, Oct. 9, 2015.

Cardinal Wuerl explains why Church workers must be consistent with the Gospel

Jan 14, 2016

Church workers have to lead people toward Catholic teaching in their public lives, not away from it, the Archbishop of... Read more

Spanish court recognizes pharmacists' conscience rights

Jul 8, 2015

Spain's Constitional Court has issued a ruling protecting the conscience rights of pharmacists who decline to sell the morning after... Read more

Barronnelle Stutzman, whose business and home are threatened after she declined to arrange flowers for a same-sex wedding.

Grandmother, florist may lose her business and home for declining gay wedding

Feb 20, 2015

By Mary Farrow

If you walk into Barronelle Stutzman’s floral business, you’re probably going to get a hug. She puts her heart into... Read more