Archbishop Lori

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Catholics in the Archdiocese of Baltimore pack the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen during a concluding listening session on the archdiocese's major parish restructuring plan on April 30, 2024.

Archdiocese of Baltimore concludes traumatic ‘listening sessions’ around restructuring plan

May 1, 2024

By Matthew Balan

Hundreds of Catholic residents of Baltimore packed the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen Tuesday evening to give their reactions to... Read more


Baltimore archbishop issues guidelines for Catholic LGBT ministries

Jul 24, 2023

By Kevin J. Jones

Parish LGBT ministries must welcome people with true discipleship, Archbishop William Lori says in new guidance on ministry to LGBT... Read more

Here's how the Church in Baltimore is taking concrete steps to fight racism

Sep 30, 2017

As racial tensions continue across the United States, Archbishop William Lori of Baltimore announced a statewide task force to combat... Read more

Archbishop William Lori.

Archbishop Lori slams 'reckless' comments by civil rights chair

Sep 14, 2016

By Matt Hadro

After the chair of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights called current appeals to religious freedom “hypocrisy,” one archbishop rebuked... Read more

What's it like to be a Catholic bishop in an election year?

Aug 5, 2016

By Kevin J. Jones

The 2016 United States elections are a time of tension and reflection for many Americans. For Catholic bishops, it's not... Read more

Beware 'polite persecution,' archbishop warns

Jun 22, 2016

By Matt Hadro

With relics of two English martyrs currently touring the U.S., the Archbishop of Baltimore implored Catholics to follow their example... Read more

Archbishop William Lori at a Nov. 12, 2012 press conference for the USCCB Fall General Assembly.

Religious freedom battle 'daunting,' but bishops urged to persist

Nov 12, 2014

By Matt Hadro

The leader of the U.S. bishops’ religious freedom committee encouraged his fellow bishops not to lose heart, but to place... Read more

Archbishop William E. Lori takes part in a press conference at the USCCB's Fall General Assembly in Baltimore on Nov. 11, 2013.

Archbishop: Be vigilant against US religious freedom threats

Aug 27, 2014

By Mary Farrow

Amidst increasing violent religious persecution in the Middle East and Africa, it is vital for Christians in the U.S. to... Read more

Archbishop William Lori of Baltimore, who is also the US bishops' religious liberty committee chair, speaks at a news conference in Baltimore, Nov. 11, 2013.

Religious liberty 'fundamental' to human dignity, bishops affirm

Jul 22, 2014

By Carl Bunderson

In a recent interview with CNA, Archbishop William Lori of Baltimore reaffirmed religious liberty as a priority for the U.S.... Read more

Archbishop William Lori delivers the homily during the October 14 Mass for Life and Liberty.

Archbishop Lori says attacks on life, liberty directly linked

Oct 15, 2012

By Michelle La Rosa

There is an inherent connection between the right to life and liberty, said Archbishop William E. Lori of Baltimore, and... Read more

Archbishop William E. Lori of Baltimore.

Archbishop Lori kicks-off Fortnight for Freedom with call to action

Jun 22, 2012

By Michelle La Rosa

Catholics must fight against forces seeking to remove the influence of religion from American culture, Archbishop William E. Lori of... Read more