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Our Lady of Fatima statue in Lisbon, Portugal, May 9, 2017.

Sign of hope in Syria – Aleppo consecrated to Our Lady of Fatima

May 16, 2017

Still reeling from the Syrian civil war, the city of Aleppo saw a ray of hope this weekend with a... Read more

First Lady Melania Trump and Sister Carolin Tahhan Fachakh of Syria.

Syrian nun awarded by US will back any leader who brings peace

Apr 15, 2017

By Elise Harris

As the conflict in Syria rages on, a Salesian nun honored by the White House as a “Woman of Courage”... Read more

Chemical attack in Syria 'shocks the soul,' says top US bishop

Apr 5, 2017

By Matt Hadro

Religious and political leaders have renewed calls for peace as they decried dozens of reported civilian deaths by poison gas... Read more

Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square during the Wednesday General Audience on May 22, 2015.

Pope Francis condemns deadly attacks in Syria, Russia

Apr 5, 2017

By Hannah Brockhaus

On Wednesday, Pope Francis expressed his horror at a chemical weapon attack in the province of Idlib, Syria the previous... Read more

Pope Francis gives the Wednesday general audience in St. Peter's Square Oct. 2, 2013.

Pope Francis prays for Iraq as civilian death toll rises

Mar 29, 2017

By Hannah Brockhaus

With the battle for major ISIS strongholds heating up in Iraq, Pope Francis has voiced his closeness to the country,... Read more

Syrian children.

Charity group appeals to fund milk for Syrian children

Mar 16, 2017

The Spain-based branch of the pontifical foundation Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) has issued an urgent appeal for... Read more

Among horror stories from Syria, a woman's unborn baby was cut in half

Mar 15, 2017

By Matt Hadro

As the Syrian Civil War begins its seventh year, Syrian doctors told members of Congress of the “unspeakable horrors” they... Read more

Syrian priest: After liberation of Aleppo, living conditions still dire

Feb 24, 2017

Nearly three months after the Syrian Army liberated the city of Aleppo from ISIS control, the local population is facing... Read more

How Catholic hospitals can help heal Syria – literally

Feb 20, 2017

By Andrea Gagliarducci

There are about three million people without heath care in war-torn Syria, and the papal envoy to the country has... Read more

Pope Francis hosts a lunch with Syrian refugees at his residence in Vatican City, Aug. 11, 2016.

Muslim refugee hails Pope Francis as the example of religion

Feb 17, 2017

By Hannah Brockhaus

Nur Essa, a Muslim Syrian woman whose family was brought to Rome from Lesbos by Pope Francis last April, said... Read more

Zaatari refugee camp in Jordan. Courtesy of the US Holocaust Memorial Museum.

Christian groups divided over 'safe zones' for Syrian refugees

Feb 11, 2017

By Matt Hadro

After President Donald Trump pushed for the creation of safe zones for refugees in the Middle East, advocates and humanitarian... Read more

U.S. President Donald Trump signs two executive orders during a visit to the Department of Homeland Security.

US bishops: Trump's refugee order will only harm victims of war, terror

Jan 30, 2017

Catholic bishops and relief leaders were among the critics of President Donald Trump’s order to implement stricter vetting on refugees... Read more

Vatican sends team to Aleppo in support of those suffering from the war

Jan 24, 2017

By Hannah Brockhaus

On behalf of Pope Francis, the secretary of the new Vatican department for Promoting Integral Human Development made a six-day... Read more

Pilgrim holds up statue of baby Jesus during the Angelus in St. Peter's Square Dec. 11, 2016.

Pope Francis prays for Aleppo, victims of recent terrorist attacks

Dec 11, 2016

By Hannah Brockhaus

During the Angelus for the third Sunday of Advent, also called Gaudete Sunday, Pope Francis made a special appeal for... Read more

Archbishop Mario Zenari, who will be elevated to the cardinalate at the Nov. 19 consistory, speaks at a Sept. 2015 conference.

'Beloved' Syria's new cardinal a sign of the Pope's closeness

Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin has said that Francis’ decision to give a red hat to the longtime... Read more

Syrian children.

Syrian children to unite in prayer for an end to violence

Sep 26, 2016

Christian and Muslim children of Aleppo, Syria will gather together in prayer on October 6 to plead for an end... Read more

Pope Francis washes the feet of migrants and refugees during Holy Thursday Mass March 24, 2016.

The world needs a merciful response to refugees, Pope Francis says

Sep 17, 2016

By Elise Harris

In a world marked by increasing war and conflict, Pope Francis said a generous and merciful response to those fleeing... Read more

A young Syrian refugee at school in Ramtha, Jordan on Oct. 27, 2014.

The US has resettled 10,000 Syrian refugees in the last year

Aug 31, 2016

By Matt Hadro

As the Obama administration announced Monday that the U.S. had met its goal of accepting 10,000 Syrian refugees in fiscal... Read more

A shell in the street of Homs, Syria.

In war-torn Syria, Our Lady of Peace Cathedral needs help

Aug 11, 2016

By Andrea Gagliarducci

The war-torn Cathedral of Homs sits in the heart of western Syria.  Read more

Pope Francis eats lunch with 21 Syrian refugees in the Casa Santa Marta Aug. 11, 2016.

Pope Francis invites 21 Syrian refugees to lunch

Aug 11, 2016

By Hannah Brockhaus

On Thursday Pope Francis invited 21 Syrian refugees to join him for lunch at his residence in the Vatican’s Casa... Read more