Catholic News

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Cardinal Wuerl: We must address the challenge of racism

Nov 1, 2017

In a new pastoral letter on racism, the Archbishop of Washington has encouraged Catholics to recognize the dignity of every... Read more

Amy Coney Barrett, who was confirmed as a judge of the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals Oct. 31, 2017. Photo courtesy of the University of Notre Dame Law School.

Pro-lifers laud US Senate's confirmation of judicial nominee

Nov 1, 2017

Catholic and pro-life groups are welcoming the Senate's confirmation on Tuesday of Amy Coney Barrett to the US Court of... Read more

Pope Francis and a cross during the Stations of the Cross at the Coliseum in Rome, Italy on April 3, 2015.

Pope Francis mourns victims in string of recent terror attacks

Nov 1, 2017

By Elise Harris

After nearly 40 people were killed in terrorist attacks this week in Somalia, New York and Afghanistan, Pope Francis voiced... Read more

Pope Francis greets pilgrims in St. Peter's Square during his May 31, 2017, general audience.

Pope: the saints weren't perfect, but they allowed God to touch their lives

Nov 1, 2017

By Elise Harris

Pope Francis marked All Saints' Day Wednesday saying the saints are honored not because they were perfect or did everything... Read more

The Sicily-Rome American Cemetery in Nettuno, Italy, where Pope Francis will say Mass Nov. 2, 2017.

Papal All Souls' Day Mass will be at cemetery for American war dead

Oct 31, 2017

By Elise Harris

Pope Francis will visit on Thursday an Italian cemetery for American personnel killed in World War II, where he will... Read more

Bishop calls on Congress to consider tax reform’s impact on ‘the least of these’

Oct 31, 2017

By Courtney Mares

With House lawmakers set to release their tax reform bill on November 1, one U.S. bishop has laid out moral... Read more

Black Elk (L) and Elk of the Oglala Lakota (R) 1887. Public Domain.

This Native American is officially on the path to sainthood

Oct 31, 2017

Lakota medicine man turned Catholic catechist Nicholas Black Elk has begun the path to potential canonization with a Mass in... Read more

French court orders cross removed from JPII statue

Oct 31, 2017

By Perry West

France’s top administrative court, the Conseil d’Etat has ordered a cross to be removed from a statue of Pope Saint... Read more

Caritas Venezuela warns that 280,000 children could die of malnutrition

Oct 31, 2017

Caritas Venezuela has warned that some 280,000 children could die of malnutrition due to food shortages amidst the country’s grave... Read more

Emergency personal respond after reports of multiple people hit by a truck after it plowed through a bike path in lower Manhattan on Oct. 31, 2017 in New York City.

Cardinal Dolan calls New Yorkers to unite 'in faith and love’ after attack

Oct 31, 2017

Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Archbishop of New York, has called New Yorkers to unity, prayer, and mutual respect after at least... Read more

'Bubble zone' law could end Ontario’s March for Life, bishop warns

Oct 30, 2017

Archbishop Terrence Prendergast of Ottawa, Canada, called into question Ontario’s new “bubble zone law,” which he said restricts the peaceful... Read more

Memento mori - How religious orders remember death

Oct 30, 2017

By Mary Farrow

There’s an old Latin phrase that’s suddenly new again - at least in the realm of Catholic Twitter™. The resurgence... Read more

How can you tell if someone is demon-possessed?

Oct 30, 2017

Recognizing the difference between a person who is possessed and a person struggling with a mental illness or other infirmity... Read more

Representation of the Salem witch trials, lithograph from 1892.

Was the last 'witch' of Boston actually a Catholic martyr?

Oct 29, 2017

By Mary Farrow

The last person hanged for witchcraft in Boston could be considered a Catholic martyr.  Read more

Pope Francis gives benediction on the Feast of Corpus Christi May 26, 2016.

Pope Francis: In the Eucharist we receive the grace to love

Oct 29, 2017

By Hannah Brockhaus

On Sunday Pope Francis reflected on Jesus’ command to love God above all things, and your neighbor as yourself, saying... Read more

Monsignor Paul Richard Gallagher, Secretary for Relations with States.

Religious freedom, not secularism, key to Europe’s future, Vatican official says

Oct 28, 2017

By Elise Harris

In 2003, British Prime Minister Tony Blair was asked about his faith during a magazine interview.  As Blair began to... Read more

Jesus Joy of Man's Desiring.

'Tis the season: Dominican Sisters climb charts with new Christmas album

Oct 28, 2017

Among other things, the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist have been known to appear on game shows... Read more

EU flags.

Pope to European civil and Church leaders: men and women are different

Oct 28, 2017

By Hannah Brockhaus

In a lengthy speech to civil and ecclesiastical leaders of Europe on Saturday, Pope Francis defended the family as being... Read more

Women's March.

Our Time: Reflections on the Women’s Convention

Oct 27, 2017

Today, October 27, the organizers of January’s historic Women’s March are starting their convention in Detroit with the theme “Reclaiming... Read more

Children wait for Pope Francis during his visit to Asuncion, Paraguay on July 10, 2015.

How the Pope's Paraguay trip inspired a children's charity

Oct 27, 2017

In the wake of Pope Francis' 2015 trip to Paraguay, a local charity was founded in order to help feed... Read more