Catholic News

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St. Dominic by Fra Angelico. Public Domain.

Why the Feast of St. Dominic is not actually the Dominicans' biggest feast day

Aug 8, 2018

By Hannah Brockhaus

Wednesday marks the Feast Day of St. Dominic, the 13th century priest known for founding the Order of Preachers, commonly... Read more

Canadian man says he asked for home care, was offered assisted suicide

Aug 7, 2018

A Canadian man suffering from an incurable disease claims that despite asking for home care, the medical team at an... Read more

University of Notre Dame.

Notre Dame will not rescind McCarrick's honorary degree- for now

Aug 7, 2018

The University of Notre Dame announced that it will not rescind the honorary degree conferred upon Archbishop Theodore McCarrick, whose... Read more

What a survey found about non-churchgoing Catholics

Aug 7, 2018

A new survey of motives of U.S. churchgoers and non-churchgoers reveals that a significant percentage of Catholics who don’t go... Read more

Rep. Chris Smith. Public Domain.

Lawmakers call for transparency in insurance plans funding abortion

Aug 7, 2018

More than 100 members of Congress are asking the federal government to issue new regulations ensuring greater transparency in health... Read more

Australian unions seek limits on religious groups' hiring freedom

Aug 7, 2018

A group of trade unions in Australia last month passed a motion saying that they will lobby to restrict the... Read more

How family structure affects the likelihood of child abuse

Aug 6, 2018

By Mary Farrow

Amid a renewed public conversation about what can be done to keep children safe from abuse, studies show that unstable... Read more

Bishop Edward Scarfenberger. Photo courtesy of the Diocese of Albany

Albany bishop: Lay commission should investigate claims against bishops

Aug 6, 2018

The Bishop of Albany said Monday that a commission of lay Catholics should be formed to investigate claims of abuse... Read more

St. Peter's Basilica.

How papal diplomacy began a new approach in 1914

Aug 6, 2018

By Andrea Gagliarducci

Pontifical diplomacy took on a new approach in 1914, with the election of Benedict XV as pontiff. The viewpoint of... Read more

Bishop James D. Conley prays at installation Mass outside of Risen Christ Cathedral in Lincoln, Neb. on Nov. 20, 2012.

Bishop Conley reviewing process for boundary violation reports

Aug 6, 2018

Bishop James Conley of Lincoln said he is working to ensure that correct processes are established and followed when allegations... Read more

Efforts to broaden abortion legalization continue in Chile

Aug 5, 2018

Pro-life groups in Chile are criticizing efforts to legalize abortion for any reason up to 14 weeks of pregnancy.  Read more

Pope Francis at the general audience May 23, 2018.

Seek Jesus before material things, pope says

Aug 5, 2018

By Hannah Brockhaus

It is not wrong to be concerned with the daily necessities of life, but strengthening one’s relationship with Jesus is... Read more

Argentine province declares itself pro-life ahead of abortion vote

Aug 5, 2018

Shortly before next week’s vote on the abortion bill in the Argentine National Senate, the Tucumán provincial legislature declared the... Read more

Survey: Religious superiors support possibility of women deacons

Aug 4, 2018

A survey of both male and female religious superiors in the U.S. found that most believe that the Church can... Read more

Flag of China.

Chinese Catholic church demolition is latest in series of church bulldozings

Aug 3, 2018

A Catholic church in China's Shandong province has been demolished by government agents, the latest in a series of church... Read more

Pope Francis at the General Audience in St. Peter's Square, May 2, 2018.

US bishops welcome change to Catechism on death penalty

Aug 3, 2018

Bishops across the US have welcomed the modification made to the Catechism of the Catholic Church saying the Church teaches... Read more

Cardinal Donald Wuerl.

Wuerl calls for spiritual and moral renewal in response to McCarrick scandal

Aug 3, 2018

Cardinal Donald Wuerl said Friday that the Church must confirm its commitment to support the survivors of clerical sexual abuse... Read more

How can parishes be more welcoming to those with disabilities?

Aug 3, 2018

By Perry West

A Disability Awareness Conference in Saginaw, Michigan this week encouraged parishes to create an inclusive and accessible environment for those... Read more

Montana plaintiffs vote on $20m sexual abuse settlement

Aug 2, 2018

The Diocese of Great Falls-Billings is awaiting the result of a vote by plaintiffs on whether to accept a $20... Read more

Ecuador congress affirms parents' rights to educate kids on sexuality

Aug 2, 2018

The National Assembly of Ecuador on July 31 unanimously upheld the right of parents to educate their children “in accordance... Read more