Catholic News

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With inmate's fate unclear, Florida bishops pray to end death penalty

Aug 13, 2018

The Catholic bishops of Florida have asked for continued prayers for an end to the death penalty following the stay... Read more

Veritatis splendor to be theme of Courage conference

Aug 13, 2018

An upcoming conference in Connecticut will offers Catholic leaders in medicine and ministry the practical and pastoral tools to reach... Read more

Bishop James Conley of Lincoln. File photo.

Bishop Conley gives update on diocesan allegations, review policies

Aug 13, 2018

In a listening session at a local church in Lincoln, Nebraska, Bishop James Conley updated members of his diocese on... Read more

St. Paul's Catherdral, Pittsburgh.

Pittsburgh bishop says not all grand jury accusations are 'substantiated'

Aug 13, 2018

Bishop David Zubik of Pittsburgh has confirmed that some of the priests named in the Pennsylvania grand jury report into... Read more

Teens are requesting plastic surgery to look like Snapchat filters

Aug 12, 2018

By Perry West

Social media is increasingly making teens dissatisfied with their appearance and obsessed with achieving a filtered version of “perfection,” even... Read more

Pope Francis speaks to Italian young people before the Angelus Aug. 12, 2018.

Fight evil with action – not apathy, Francis says

Aug 12, 2018

By Hannah Brockhaus

It is not enough for Catholics to not do bad things, they must counter evil by actively living out charity... Read more

Canadian bishops: Keep palliative care distinct from assisted suicide

Aug 11, 2018

In the age of legal assisted suicide and euthanasia, palliative care must remain as a distinct form of care that... Read more

Pope Francis at the general audience Jan. 31, 2018.

Francis continues to watch abuse response in Chile, Vatican says

Aug 11, 2018

By Hannah Brockhaus

Pope Francis held a meeting on the abuse scandal in Chile and will continue to follow the actions of the... Read more

Archbishop Theodore McCarrick.

Abuse accusations bring scrutiny for McCarrick's charity fund

Aug 10, 2018

By Kevin J. Jones

Former cardinal Theodore McCarrick’s roles included service on the boards of at least two foundations that gave over $500,000 combined... Read more

A vigil in Charlottesville after violence at a white nationalist rally August 2017.

A year after Charlottesville, Virginia bishops pray for end to racism

Aug 10, 2018

The bishops of Virginia offered prayers for peace and a renewed sense of human dignity ahead of the one-year anniversary... Read more

A child stands in front of debris after an Aug. 5 earthquake on Indonesia’s Lombok island.

As death toll climbs from Indonesia quake, Catholic agency takes action

Aug 10, 2018

With hundreds dead and thousands left homeless by a major earthquake in Indonesia last weekend, Catholic Relief Services is working... Read more

What's driving the growth of Catholic churches in the Bible Belt?

Aug 9, 2018

In the thick of the Bible Belt, the famously evangelical Protestant region in the southeastern United States, some Catholic Masses... Read more

St. Peter's Basilica.

Waiting for a new deputy at the Vatican Secretariat of State

Aug 9, 2018

By Andrea Gagliarducci

Pope Francis’ trip to Ireland for the World Meeting of Families will be likely his first international trip not to... Read more

The 'nones' – why some Americans are forgoing religious labels

Aug 9, 2018

Among the growing share of religious “nones” in the U.S., a majority say that questioning religious teachings is one important... Read more

Pro-life demonstrators in Argentina react to the Senate defeat of an abortion bill Aug. 9, 2018.

Argentina Senate rejects bill to legalize abortion

Aug 9, 2018

Concluding a 16-hour legislative session in the early hours of August 9, the Argentina Senate rejected a bill to legalize... Read more

'Building the Benedict Option': How skillet cookies can lead to community

Aug 9, 2018

By Mary Farrow

When Christian author Rod Dreher published The Benedict Option last year, it generated a flurry of debate and comments throughout... Read more

A process of the Our Lady Help of Persecuted Christians icon during Mass at the 2018 Knights of Columbus convention. Courtesy photo.

Dolan praises St. Dominic at KofC convention

Aug 8, 2018

The Archbishop of New York encouraged Catholics to imitate the patient and persistent prayer of St. Dominic, during a homily... Read more

New L.A. STEM school inspired by JPII

Aug 8, 2018

John Paul II taught often that science and religion follow complementary paths toward the same goal- truth. A new high... Read more

InterVarsity Christian Fellowship.

Kicked off Iowa campus over leadership standards, Christian group sues

Aug 8, 2018

A Christian student group is suing the University of Iowa after being kicked off campus because it requires its leaders... Read more

Pope Francis speaks in the Pope Paul VI Hall at the Vatican Aug. 8, 2018.

Pope Francis: Trust God – not idols

Aug 8, 2018

By Hannah Brockhaus

Attachment to idols is a failure to trust totally in God – and to reject these idols, Catholics must accept... Read more