Catholic News

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Pilgrims from China at the general audience in St. Peter's Square on April 5, 2016.

Archbishop McCarrick’s unofficial role in Vatican-China relations

Sep 17, 2018

By Courtney Mares

Over 20 years, Archbishop McCarrick traveled to China on at least eight occasions, sometimes staying in a state-controlled Beijing seminary,... Read more

Pope Francis celebrates Mass in St. Peter's Basilica Sept. 2, 2015.

Pope Francis: Discipleship takes sacrifice

Sep 16, 2018

By Hannah Brockhaus

A fundamental rule of being a disciple of Christ is the necessity to make sacrifices and deny one’s self, Pope... Read more

Pope Francis celebrates Mass in Palermo, Sicily Sept. 15, 2018.

Do not avoid the wounds of the Church, pope says in Sicily

Sep 15, 2018

By Hannah Brockhaus

In Sicily Saturday, Pope Francis said the wounds of the Church and the world are the wounds of Christ, and... Read more

Pope Francis meets with Archbishop Jose Gomez, Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, Cardinal Sean Sean O'Malley, and Msgr Brian Bransfield at the Vatican, Sept. 13, 2018.

Cardinal DiNardo calls meeting with pope lengthy, fruitful

Sep 13, 2018

Cardinal Daniel DiNardo has called a Sept. 13 meeting between Pope Francis and leaders from the Church in United States... Read more

via Unsplash.

In Romania, marriage referendum headed for national vote

Sep 13, 2018

A referendum on the definition of marriage appears headed for a national vote in Romania. The ballot measure, strongly support... Read more

A bishop's pectoral cross.

Pope accepts resignation of Bishop Bransfield as inquiry into misconduct claims launched

Sep 13, 2018

By Hannah Brockhaus

Pope Francis Thursday accepted the resignation of Bishop Michael J. Bransfield from the pastoral government of the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston,... Read more

Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Bishop has not found 'natural causes' for weeping Mary statue

Sep 12, 2018

A New Mexico bishop has given an update an apparently weeping statue of the Blessed Mother, saying a diocesan investigation... Read more

What do Church abuse policies mean by 'vulnerable adult'?

Sep 12, 2018

By JD Flynn

A Vatican summit this February will gather the presidents of bishops’ conferences from around the world. While a Sept. 12... Read more

Cathedral Church of St. Peter, Cologne, Germany.

Leaked German study documents thousands of sexual abuse cases

Sep 12, 2018

A study commissioned by the German bishops’ conference reports the sexual abuse of thousands of children in that country over... Read more

Pope Francis on May 22, 2018.

Pope convokes world-wide meeting of bishops on abuse crisis

Sep 12, 2018

By Hannah Brockhaus

Pope Francis has called for all the presidents of the Catholic bishops’ conferences of the world to meet at the... Read more

Pope Francis walks in St. Peter's Square Sept. 12, 2018.

Pope Francis: God's mercy frees us from slavery to sin

Sep 12, 2018

By Hannah Brockhaus

Attachment to sin and vice is a form of interior slavery which inhibit the ability to love, but true freedom... Read more

Don’t use taxpayer money to buy aborted baby parts, pro-life investigators say

Sep 11, 2018

Federal research agencies’ purchase of fetal tissue and body parts from a company under investigation for illegally selling them has... Read more

via Unsplash.

Rod Dreher discusses ‘Benedict Option’ and Benedict XVI with Italian panel

Sep 11, 2018

By Andrea Gagliarducci

At a panel discussion in Italy for the presentation of the Italian translation of his book “The Benedict Option,” author... Read more

Cardinal Donald Wuerl. Courtesy photo

Wuerl to meet with Pope Francis to discuss resignation

Sep 11, 2018

By JD Flynn

The Archbishop of Washington told priests Tuesday that he intends to meet with Pope Francis soon to discuss his resignation... Read more

Archbishop Georg Gänswein.

Gänswein: Sex abuse crisis is Church’s '9/11,' but seeking God is the only way forward

Sep 11, 2018

While the current sex abuse crisis is tantamount to the Church’s own ‘9/11,’ Catholics can maintain hope if they remain... Read more

Eucharistic Adoration.

Eucharistic procession in Liverpool draws 10,000

Sep 11, 2018

An estimated 10,000 Catholics processed through the streets of Liverpool in a Eucharistic Procession on Sunday, in a spirit of... Read more

Cardinal Daniel DiNardo. CNA file photo.

Cardinal DiNardo and USCCB officials to meet with Pope Francis

Sep 11, 2018

The director of the Vatican’s press office has confirmed that Pope Francis will meet with the president of the U.S.... Read more

Pope Francis at a General Audience in Rome, June 2018.

What Pope Francis can clarify about the Vigano testimony- and what he can't

Sep 11, 2018

By Ed Condon

It has been more than two weeks since Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò released his 11-page testimony about the McCarrick scandal.... Read more

Ground zero cross.

The brutal, powerful 9/11 stories of Catholic priests

Sep 11, 2018

By Adelaide Mena

On the clear, sunny morning of Sept. 11, 2011, Fr. Kevin Madigan heard an explosion overhead.  Read more

Demonstration in defense of life in the Dominican Republic. 

Dominican Republic pro-life march: 'Let’s save both lives!'

Sep 10, 2018

A pro-life demonstration in the Dominican Republic on Sunday voiced opposition to a bill to reform the Criminal Code that... Read more