Catholic News

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Cardinal George Pell.

Cardinal Pell awaits sentencing in police custody

Feb 27, 2019

After the revocation of his bail Wednesday, Cardinal George Pell was taken into police custody for the first time while... Read more

Pope Francis at the general audience Feb. 27, 2019.

Pope Francis: Evil’s days are numbered

Feb 27, 2019

By Courtney Mares

Pope Francis said Wednesday that evil is limited compared to the expanding force of God’s holiness in the world.  Read more

Sam Brownback.

Brownback says Pakistan willing to improve religious freedom record

Feb 26, 2019

The U.S. ambassador-at-large for international religious freedom has applauded Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates for showing a... Read more

Iowa State Capitol building in Des Moines.

After judicial setback, Iowa lawmakers pursue other pro-life goals

Feb 26, 2019

An Iowa Supreme Court decision declaring abortion to be a fundamental right bars the way to appeal a ruling against... Read more

Archbishop Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer.

Analysis: What to make of the CDF's hysterectomy 'responsum?'

Feb 26, 2019

By Carl Bunderson

The National Catholic Bioethics Center issued a commentary this month in response to a December Vatican document on the moral... Read more

Pope’s Lenten message focuses on renewal of creation

Feb 26, 2019

By Courtney Mares

The redemption of creation takes center stage in Pope Francis’ Lenten message this year, which connects man’s sinfulness to environmental... Read more

Cardinal George Pell outside Rome's Hotel Quirinale, March 3, 2016.

Holy See issues statement on conviction, appeal of Cardinal Pell

Feb 26, 2019

The Vatican press office has issued a statement on the recently announced conviction of Cardinal George Pell on charges of... Read more

Cardinal George Pell.

Prosecutors drop second trial against Cardinal George Pell

Feb 25, 2019

By Ed Condon

Prosecutors have abandoned a planned second trial against Australian Cardinal George Pell, who was convicted in December 2018 on five... Read more

New documents challenge Vatican claims about accused Argentine bishop

Feb 25, 2019

An Argentine newspaper has published documents purporting to show that the Vatican knew about allegations of sexual abuse by Bishop... Read more

Archbishop Jose Gomez.

Archbishop Gomez: 'Crisis of personal fidelity' at the heart of Church scandals

Feb 25, 2019

Archbishop Jose Gomez of Los Angeles responded to the Vatican’s summit on abuse by stressing the need for a renewal... Read more

Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB.

Rosica resigns from college board after plagiarism apology; Jesuits withdraw award

Feb 25, 2019

By JD Flynn

A Canadian priest who apologized last week for plagiarism has resigned from the governing board of a Catholic college affiliated... Read more

Opioid overdose rates rising among African Americans

Feb 25, 2019

While much of the opioid crisis of the last two decades has been associated with white Americans and prescription drugs,... Read more

Pope Francis greets youth pilgrims at Santo Tomas University in Manila on Jan. 18, 2015.

Pope Francis to publish document on youth synod

Feb 25, 2019

By Hannah Brockhaus

The Vatican announced Sunday that Pope Francis will publish in March a post-synodal exhortation on last October’s synod on young... Read more

Cardinal Daniel DiNardo at the Vatican summit on sex abuse Feb. 23, 2019.

Head of US bishops after Vatican abuse summit: 'Intensify the Dallas Charter'

Feb 24, 2019

Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, has promised “unyielding vigilance” and an intensification of the... Read more

A view of St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City.

Abuse summit follow-up to include new child protection law for Vatican

Feb 24, 2019

By Hannah Brockhaus

A Vatican spokesman said Sunday that concrete follow-up to this week’s abuse summit will include a new law on child... Read more

Pope Francis makes closing remarks for the Vatican abuse summit in the Sala Regia Feb. 24, 2019.

Pope Francis: Church will focus on 8 points in 'all-out battle' against abuse

Feb 24, 2019

By Courtney Mares

Pope Francis Sunday outlined eight points that the Church will focus on in an “all-out battle” against the sexual abuse... Read more

A Venezuelan woman receives a government food package Feb. 22, 2019.

Venezuelan bishops call for humanitarian aid to be distributed

Feb 23, 2019

The Venezuelan Bishops’ Conference is calling on Nicolas Maduro’s government to allow humanitarian aid to enter the country and be... Read more

Pope Francis takes part in a penitential liturgy during a Vatican summit on sex abuse Feb. 23, 2019.

'What have I failed to do?' - Pope leads bishops in abuse crisis examination of conscience

Feb 23, 2019

By Hannah Brockhaus

Pope Francis Saturday led the presidents of the world’s bishops’ conferences in a penitential liturgy and examination of conscience on... Read more

Sara Oviedo speaks at a rally for abuse victims in Rome's Piazza del Popolo Feb. 23, 2019.

Pennsylvania lawmaker speaks at abuse victim rally in Rome

Feb 23, 2019

By Hannah Brockhaus

Pennsylvania State Rep. Mark Rozzi spoke during a rally held by victim advocacy groups in Rome’s city center Saturday, saying... Read more

Detroit Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament.

After AG report, Michigan dioceses clarify cooperation in reporting abuse

Feb 23, 2019

Catholic dioceses in the state of Michigan are reaffirming their commitment to reporting sex abuse, while asking for clarifications about... Read more