Catholic News

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Dachau concentration camp.

‘Secret preacher’ of Dachau concentration camp beatified

Sep 19, 2019

By Courtney Mares

The ‘secret preacher of block 17’ who witnessed to Christ in a Nazi concentration camp was beatified this week in... Read more

Secretary of State of the Holy See Cardinal Pietro Parolin during his official visit to Kiev, 2017.

Pope's cardinal advisors continue to discuss apostolic constitution

Sep 19, 2019

By Hannah Brockhaus

Pope Francis’ now six-member Council of Cardinal Advisors met this week to continue work on the forthcoming apostolic constitution, incorporating... Read more

 Pope Francis and Cardinal Sepe hold relic of St. Januarius' blood in Naples cathedral March 21, 2015.

Blood of St. Januarius liquefies on feast day

Sep 19, 2019

By Hannah Brockhaus

The miracle of the liquefiction of the blood of early Church martyr St. Januarius took place Thursday in Naples.  Read more

Father James Martin, S.J., speaks at the World Meeting of Families in Dublin on August 23, 2018.

Archbishop Chaput: Fr. James Martin's message causes confusion about Church doctrine

Sep 19, 2019

By CNA Staff

After Fr. James Martin, SJ, spoke at a Philadelphia university, the Archbishop of Philadelphia urged caution about the priest’s message,... Read more

Archbishop Charles Chaput speaks with CNA in Rome on Sept. 15, 2014.

Chaput: Personal holiness, fidelity to the Church key in difficult times

Sep 19, 2019

During times of scandal and confusion, Catholics should strive for personal holiness and fidelity to the Church, Archbishop Charles Chaput... Read more

A briefing in the Holy See's press office.

A new book from a Vatican journalist, for Vatican journalists

Sep 18, 2019

A book on papal communication aims to connect the history of the Vatican’s communications office with the theology of the... Read more

Brooklyn diocese teaming with NYPD to search for church vandal 

Sep 18, 2019

The Diocese of Brooklyn is partnering with the New York Police Department to find a woman suspected of causing thousands... Read more

In robota Christi? Why robots can never be Catholic priests 

Sep 18, 2019

By Mary Farrow

Once a man is ordained a priest for the Catholic Church, he acts, according to the Catechism of the Catholic... Read more

Buffalo Bishop Richard Malone.

Poll suggests a majority of Buffalo Catholics want Bishop Malone to resign

Sep 18, 2019

By Jonah McKeown

Bishop Richard Malone of Buffalo, New York is facing fresh calls for his resignation, after a local news organization commissioned... Read more

A poster created by the Society of African Missions in tribute to Fr. Pier Luigi Maccalli, one year after his abduction

Italian priest kidnapped in Niger now missing for one year

Sep 18, 2019

One year ago, Fr. Luigi Macalli was abducted in the middle of the night, from his parish Church in Niger.... Read more

Pope Francis speaks at the general audience Sept. 18, 2019.

Through sin and scandal, God's Church remains, Pope Francis says

Sep 18, 2019

By Hannah Brockhaus

Because of sinfulness, human projects will always fail, but the Church remains steadfast, even in times of scandal, because she... Read more

Philosophy professor: Live Action, Facebook dispute shows definitions matter

Sep 18, 2019

A dispute has developed between Facebook fact checkers and a pro-life group about whether abortion is ever medically necessary. One... Read more

Oklahoma judge denies effort to halt ban on D&E abortions

Sep 17, 2019

The Oklahoma County District Court has denied a motion to pause a law banning a common abortion procedure during the... Read more

Catholics outside Asmara, Eritrea in March 2007.

Eritrean bishops say seizure of Catholic schools is 'hatred against the faith'

Sep 17, 2019

Seven religious schools in Eritrea, four of them sponsored by the Catholic Church, have been seized by the country’s government... Read more

Massachusetts bishops say action is urgently needed on climate change

Sep 17, 2019

The bishops of Massachusetts warned in a new pastoral letter that climate change has reached a crisis level and requires... Read more

St. Peter's Basilica.

Vatican City prosecutor asks that Italian priest be charged with sexual abuse during seminary

Sep 17, 2019

By Hannah Brockhaus

The Vatican announced Tuesday that the Vatican City State’s Promoter of Justice has requested the indictment two Italian priests --... Read more

Archbishop Joseph Kurtz. CNA file photo

Louisville's Archbishop Kurtz will return to Kentucky before cancer surgery

Sep 17, 2019

Archbishop Joseph Kurtz of Louisville, Kentucky, who announced in July a diagnosis of the most common form of bladder cancer,... Read more

Cardinal George Pell.

Cardinal Pell submits appeal to Australian High Court

Sep 17, 2019

Cardinal George Pell Tuesday submitted an appeal of his conviction to the Australian High Court, following the Aug. 21 decision... Read more

The California capitol.

California Catholic Conference asks governor to veto college abortion bill

Sep 16, 2019

California legislators passed a bill Friday that would require all state universities to offer medication abortions, despite the objections of... Read more

Pope Francis opens the Synod of Bishops on youth Oct. 3, 2018.

Analysis: The Amazon and Germany - A tale of two synods

Sep 16, 2019

By JD Flynn

For the next two months, most of the ink spilled by Catholic journalists will be dedicated to the Amazon, and... Read more