Catholic News

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Mother Angelica.

Mother Angelica, foundress of EWTN, dies on Easter

Mar 27, 2016

The Catholic Church in the United States has lost the Poor Clare nun who changed the face of Catholicism in... Read more

Pope Francis celebrates the Easter Vigil at St Peters basilica.

Let yourselves be moved by hope, Pope says at Easter Vigil

Mar 26, 2016

By Elise Harris

During the Easter Vigil, Pope Francis told attendees not to be overcome by sadness in the face of life’s difficulties,... Read more

Pope Francis washes the feet of migrants and refugees during Holy Thursday Mass March 24, 2016.

An emotional Mass for migrants with Pope Francis

Mar 24, 2016

By Elise Harris

During a Mass in Rome on Holy Thursday Pope Francis washed the feet of migrants and refugees, many of whom... Read more

Pope Francis at the General Audience, April 27, 2013.

Pope Francis will speak on the synod soon. But the spin has already begun.

Mar 23, 2016

By Andrea Gagliarducci

The war of interpretations has begun over Pope Francis’ yet-to-be-published post-synodal exhortation. And this war is taking place in the... Read more

Gunmen kill Congolese priest who reported on atrocities

Mar 23, 2016

A Congolese Catholic priest who documented human rights abuses in his home country was killed by armed gunmen early Monday... Read more

Sisters outside the Supreme Court, March 23, 2016.

Let them serve: Hundreds outside court back Little Sisters

Mar 23, 2016

Hundreds of people – many of them women – joined religious sisters outside of the Supreme Court on Wednesday chanting... Read more

Empower women and you empower the world, Vatican tells UN

Mar 23, 2016

If diplomacy and policy-making are to be successful, all women – including those who are often left out of the... Read more

Belgian cathedral.

'Good Friday came early' – Catholic bishops mourn Brussels attacks

Mar 22, 2016

The Holy Week terrorist attacks in Brussels on Tuesday led the city's bishops to mourn and reflect on the deadly... Read more

Pope Francis prays with journalists on the papal flight August 2014.

Pope Francis grieves Belgium attacks, condemns 'blind violence'

Mar 22, 2016

By Elise Harris

On Tuesday Pope Francis offered prayers for the victims of attacks at an airport and metro in Belgium, condemning the... Read more

The Passion.

All-star 'Passion' musical aims to tell the Gospel story in a new key

Mar 18, 2016

By Kevin J. Jones

Actor and singer Jencarlos Canela will play the role of Jesus in a live musical dramatization of The Passion on... Read more

Iraqi seminarians. Photo courtesy of Roni Momica, second from the left.

These seminarians are being ordained – in a refugee camp

Mar 18, 2016

By Elise Harris

After their seminary in Qaraqosh was dissolved following a brutal ISIS attack in 2014, four Iraqi seminarians chose not to give... Read more

Pope Benedict XVI on June 15, 2005 in Vatican City.

Full text of Benedict XVI's recent, rare, and lengthy interview

Mar 17, 2016

In a recently published interview on issues of justification and faith, Benedict XVI has addressed issues of mercy and our... Read more

Pope Francis greets pilgrims in St. Peter's Square during the Wednesday general audience, Sept. 16, 2015.

Francis: Hope is the 'humble virtue' that keeps us afloat in tough times

Mar 17, 2016

By Elise Harris

In his homily Thursday, Pope Francis spoke on the essential role hope plays in the Christian life, saying that while... Read more

Barbed wire.

In groundbreaking move, US declares Christians among victims of ISIS genocide

Mar 17, 2016

By Matt Hadro

Secretary of State John Kerry declared Thursday that Christians, Yezidis, Shi’a Muslims, and other religious and ethnic minorities are victims... Read more

Unborn baby at 20 weeks.

Yes, unborn babies can feel pain at 20 weeks, doctors testify

Mar 16, 2016

By Matt Hadro

As the Senate considers a bill protecting unborn human life past 20 weeks of pregnancy, medical experts insist these children... Read more

Donald Trump.

Can a Catholic in good conscience vote for Trump?

Mar 16, 2016

As Republican frontrunner Donald Trump moves closer to the presidential nomination, Catholics are questioning whether voting for the billionaire-turned-politician is... Read more

Joe Biden.

This is 'wrong,' bishop tells Notre Dame for awarding Joe Biden

Mar 15, 2016

Vice President Joe Biden's “gravely irresponsible” rejection of Catholic teaching on abortion and marriage should disqualify him from Notre Dame's... Read more

Father Virgilio Elizondo. Courtesy of the Archdiocese of San Antonio.

Fr. Virgilio Elizondo, who died in apparent suicide, mourned

Mar 15, 2016

Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller of San Antonio has released a statement mourning the death of one of his priests, Father Virgilio... Read more

Sweeping vote in Utah labels porn dangerous to public health

Mar 15, 2016

By Kevin J. Jones

Utah's state legislature recently passed a resolution warning about the harm pornography does to individuals, families and society.  Read more

Fight in Italy over saint's jewels 'completely misleading'

Mar 13, 2016

By Andrea Gagliarducci, Mary Farrow

Reports that the valuable treasure of St. Januarius will be placed in the hands of the Vatican rather than the... Read more