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Tim Kaine.

Tim Kaine draws ire over flip-flop on Hyde Amendment

Jul 27, 2016

Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine has reportedly changed his mind on a long-standing policy preventing government funding of most... Read more

A protestor marches through downtown Philadelphia, PA during the DNC on July 25, 2016.

Leaked e-mails show DNC meetings with anti-religious freedom project

Jul 26, 2016

By Kevin J. Jones

Leaked emails from the Democratic National Committee show efforts to arrange a meeting with a key NGO working to end... Read more

Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio on July 19, 2016.

What Catholics have to say about the GOP platform

Jul 19, 2016

By Adelaide Mena, Matt Hadro

The detailed platform adopted by the Republican Party this week received mixed reactions among Catholics for its positions.    Read more

Bernie Sanders at Vatican conference in Casina Pio IV, April 15, 2016.

UPDATED: Bernie Sanders came to the Vatican, and here's what he said

Apr 15, 2016

Pope Francis didn’t attend U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (D-Vt.) speech at the Vatican, but the presidential candidate provided a long... Read more

Being pro-life never used to mean being Republican

Apr 12, 2016

By Mary Farrow

“(W)hen it comes to issues like abortion, amnesty, and acid, I’m about as liberal as your grandmother. I don’t like... Read more

Donald Trump.

Can a Catholic in good conscience vote for Trump?

Mar 16, 2016

As Republican frontrunner Donald Trump moves closer to the presidential nomination, Catholics are questioning whether voting for the billionaire-turned-politician is... Read more

Pope Francis speaks to the U.S. Congress in Washington, D.C. on Sept. 24, 2015.

Pope Francis hailed for transcending liberal/conservative divide

Sep 26, 2015

By Matt Hadro

Pope Francis rose above party politics and challenged lawmakers to a higher standard in his Thursday address to a joint... Read more

Pope Francis addresses the United States Congress, Sept. 24, 2015.

Marriage and family are being threatened, Pope tells US Congress

Sep 24, 2015

In his lengthy speech to the U.S. Congress on Thursday, Pope Francis said the family is being threatened today like... Read more

Read the full text of Pope Francis' address to US Congress

Sep 24, 2015

Please find below the full text of Pope Francis' Sept. 24 address to members of the United States Congress:  Read more

 Pope Francis greets pilgrims during the Wednesday general audience in St. Peter's Square on September 3, 2014.

En route to US, Pope Francis rejects 'left-leaning' accusations

Sep 22, 2015

By Mary Farrow

On the papal flight from Cuba to Washington, D.C., where Pope Francis held the customary press conference with journalists on... Read more

The United States Capitol building.

Here's what Pope Francis is likely to tell the US Congress

Sep 21, 2015

By Andrea Gagliarducci

On Thursday Pope Francis will become the first Bishop of Rome to address a joint session of the US Senate... Read more

The statue of Bl. Junipero Serra inside the National Statuary Hall in Washington, D.C.

California legislators renew push against Junipero Serra, saint and Hispanic 'founding father'

Jun 25, 2015

A statue of Franciscan missionary and saint-to-be Father Junipero Serra has stood in the U.S. Capitol since 1931, but its... Read more

New York Times Building NYC.

Why this priest has spent 50 years fighting with the New York Times

Mar 1, 2015

By Mary Farrow

A lot has changed in journalism since 1961, but not Msgr. Daniel S. Hamilton’s resolve to rebut the New York... Read more

Paper money.

Are wealthy US foundations paying to suppress religious freedom?

Feb 13, 2015

By Kevin J. Jones

Questions are being raised over two U.S. foundations that have poured more than three million dollars into abortion rights, LGBT... Read more

A U.S. flag hangs outside the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Baltimore on Oct. 24, 2014.

Where progressives and Evangelicals agree – clarify IRS rules on political speech

Feb 3, 2015

By Matt Hadro

An unlikely combination of political progressives and Evangelicals came together last week to demand more clarity in IRS regulations of... Read more

Flag of Scotland.

Scottish bishops encourage cooperation, involvement in wake of vote

Sep 19, 2014

Following a historic vote in which Scotland rejected independence from the U.K., the Bishop’s Conference of Scotland recognized the decision... Read more

Pope Francis holds an audience with students from Jesuit-run schools in Italy and Albania in Paul VI Hall June 7, 2013.

Francis to Congolese bishops: Contribute, but don't replace politicians

Sep 14, 2014

In his ad limina address to the bishops of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Pope Francis assured them of... Read more

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) speaks at Catholic University of America in Washington D.C. on July 22, 2014.

Rubio: Economic health tied to morality, community

Jul 25, 2014

By Adelaide Mena

A strong national economy requires strong families, supported by both government and the broader community, said Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.)... Read more

Non Negotiable by Sheila Liaugminas.

Engage world with Catholic principles, author says

Jul 12, 2014

By Kevin J. Jones

Catholic involvement in civic life is necessary to defend human dignity and move society in a positive direction, says the... Read more

Crowds turned up for a town hall meeting in Los Angeles at which Archbishop Jose Gomez spoke on immigration reform, Jan. 14, 2014. Courtesy of Victor Aleman/vida-nueva.com.

Bishops' spokesman urges more humane immigration policy

Mar 19, 2014

By Adelaide Mena

President Barack Obama’s recent action on immigration may indicate a move towards a better approach to immigration, a policy expert... Read more