religious freedom

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Archbishop William E. Lori sits for the first time in his cathedra at Baltimore's Cathedral of Mary Our Queen on May 16, 2012.

At installation, Baltimore archbishop affirms faith's role in national life

May 16, 2012

At his May 16 installation in the “Premier See” of the U.S. Church, new Baltimore Archbishop William E. Lori urged... Read more


Canadians' religious freedom in danger, bishops warn

May 15, 2012

Freedom of religion and conscience are in danger of disappearing from Canadian society, the country's bishops warned on May 14.  Read more

Georgetown University's Healy Hall.

DC archdiocese’s paper hammers Sebelius appearance at Georgetown

May 14, 2012

The Archdiocese of Washington’s newspaper has said that HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius’ appearance as a featured speaker at a Georgetown... Read more

Gov. Jan Brewer.

Ariz. governor praised for signing religious freedom bill

May 14, 2012

Governor Jan Brewer drew praise for signing a measure into law that allows employers in Arizona to opt out of... Read more

Vanderbilt University policy forces Catholic group off campus

Mar 28, 2012

A Catholic student group says it will leave the Vanderbilt University campus at the end of the year over a... Read more

Eric Scheidler, Executive Director of the Pro-life Action League.

National rallies seek religious freedom restoration on March 23

Mar 1, 2012

On March 23, Catholics and other supporters of religious liberty will demonstrate outside federal buildings nationwide, demanding the withdrawal of... Read more

Cardinal Francis George celebrates Mass at the Tomb of St. Peter during his February 2012 "ad limina" visit to Rome

Church could be forced to 'give up' public work, Cardinal George warns

Feb 28, 2012

The Obama administration is effectively telling Catholics to abandon their work in the public square, according to Chicago's Cardinal Francis... Read more

President's Day advertisement screenshot.

Presidents Day ad stresses importance of God and religion

Feb 20, 2012

By Kevin J. Jones

A new Knights of Columbus commercial uses Presidents Day Weekend to remind Americans that past presidents saw God and religion... Read more