Gender Identity

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Federal LGBT employment guidance ‘an outrageous overreach’ one lawyer says

Jul 8, 2021

By Matt Hadro

Recent federal LGBT nondiscrimination guidance for employers goes far beyond the law, one legal and religious freedom expert told CNA. Read more

In Oregon, educators propose alternative to gender identity policy—and face calls to be fired

Jul 1, 2021

By Kevin J. Jones

A public school teacher and an assistant principal are facing disciplinary action and possible firing, because of their alternative policy... Read more

Humanist group strips Richard Dawkins of award for questioning gender theory

Apr 20, 2021

By Joe Bukuras

The American Humanist Association on Monday withdrew an award from Richard Dawkins for his position against gender theory.  Read more

Credit: Mark Van Scyoc/Shutterstock

HHS nominee won’t say if parents can refuse child’s gender transitioning

Feb 25, 2021

By Matt Hadro

A nominee for assistant health secretary on Thursday wouldn’t say if government officials can intervene when parents refuse their child’s... Read more

Hand wearing gay pride rainbow wristband making a power fist gesture in front of the US Capitol building in Washington, DC  Credit: lazyllama/Shutterstock

USCCB: Equality Act would ‘punish’ religious groups opposed to gender ideology

Feb 19, 2021

The U.S. bishops’ conference (USCCB) has come out in opposition to the Equality Act, which was introduced in the U.S.... Read more

Transgender symbol.

In far-reaching executive order, Biden redefines 'sex'

Jan 21, 2021

By Kevin J. Jones

In one of his first acts in office, President Joe Biden has signed an executive order to interpret sex discrimination... Read more

The Downtown Hope Center, a faith-based women's shelter in Anchorage.

US bishops commend HUD plan to allow homeless shelters to serve on basis of sex

Sep 14, 2020

The US bishops’ conference on Friday applauded the US Department of Housing and Urban Development’s proposal to allow single-sex homeless... Read more

United Nations Offices in Geneva, Switzerland, home of the UNHRC.

Vatican diplomat tells UN ‘gender identity’ category not necessary for refugee protection

Jul 9, 2020

By Courtney Mares

A Holy See diplomat raised concern at the United Nations in Geneva this week over the use of the term... Read more

The Italian version of the new Directory for Catechesis, launched at the Vatican, June 25, 2020.

Catholic catechesis directory addresses gender, biological sex, and bioethics

Jun 25, 2020

Bioethics, gender identity, and biological sex are new subjects covered in the Vatican’s latest Directory for Catechesis, released Thursday. The... Read more

Archbishop Rino Fisichella presents the new Directory for Catechesis at the Vatican, June 25, 2020.

Vatican releases Catholic directory for catechesis in ‘dynamic continuity’ with Church teaching

Jun 25, 2020

By Hannah Brockhaus

The Vatican Thursday published a new directory for catechesis, emphasizing both its continuity with two previous directories and its new... Read more

Child  at high risk of being trafficked and abused.

Children at risk from porn, trafficking, gender identity, summit hears

Oct 9, 2019

By Matt Hadro

Advocates for children, parents, and women’s rights all spoke out against growing threats of the sexualization of children at a... Read more

Sleeping arrangements at the Downtown Hope Center women's shelter.

Federal court: Women's-only shelter not required to admit men

Aug 12, 2019

A federal court has issued a preliminary injunction protecting a women’s overnight shelter in Anchorage from the city’s demands that... Read more

Woman holding transgender sign. Via Shutterstock

New study suggests link between autism and gender dysphoria

Jul 18, 2019

A new study suggests a link between autism, autistic traits, and identifying as transgender or non-binary, raising new questions about... Read more

Track lanes in a stadium. Via Shutterstock

'Transgender' track rules violate Title IX, ADF says

Jun 19, 2019

The governing body for high school sports in Connecticut is facing a federal complaint after allowing male students to compete... Read more

Catholic 'gender theory' document: clarity for a wounded, oversexed culture?

Jun 11, 2019

By Kevin J. Jones

Catholic commentators have welcomed a Vatican document warning that gender theory is a cultural and ideological revolution that undermines both... Read more

People with rainbows flags in the annual Pride Parade as it passes through Greenwich Village. Via Shutterstock.

New Vatican document says gender theory is 'cultural and ideological revolution'

Jun 10, 2019

A Vatican department has issued a sweeping denunciation of so-called gender theory, and affirmed the principles of human dignity, difference,... Read more

US Supreme Court.

Supreme Court to hear sexual orientation, gender identity employment cases

Apr 24, 2019

By Kevin J. Jones

In a decision that could have potentially far-reaching consequences, the U.S. Supreme Court has said it will hear cases involving... Read more

Uruguay flag.

Efforts build to repeal Uruguay's controversial transgender law

Mar 27, 2019

Nearly 70,000 people in Uruguay have presented signatures seeking to initiate the process of repealing a controversial transgender law passed... Read more

Utah bill would prohibit changing birth certificate sex

Jan 26, 2019

Proposed legislation in Utah would require the sex listed on birth certificates to reflect the sex of the person at... Read more

Archbishop Samuel Aquila

Regis University defends campus 'drag show' despite archbishop's complaint

Nov 23, 2018

Officials at a Catholic university defended a campus “drag show” and classroom measures designed to support the gender identity preferences... Read more