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A memento mori at the Teutonic Cemetery in the Vatican.

Spooky, scary, saintly? How Catholics can see Halloween at its best

Oct 4, 2018

Whether you dress up as a ghoul, a hero, or a saint, Halloween has a Christian origin that should inspire... Read more

Blessed Stanley Rother tapestry at Beatification Mass in Oklahoma City Sept. 23, 2017.

My cousin the martyr: meet Blessed Stanley Rother's large family

Sep 23, 2017

By Mary Farrow

They came from Illinois and they came from Wisconsin. They came from Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico.  Read more

Blessed Stanley Rother and a little girl.

Faithful martyr and missionary Father Stanley Rother beatified in Oklahoma

Sep 23, 2017

Father Stanley Rother, an Oklahoma priest martyred in Guatemala, was beatified Saturday during a Mass in Oklahoma City attended by... Read more

Fr Rother.

Fr. Stanley Rother, first US-born martyr, to be beatified in September

Mar 13, 2017

Father Stanley Rother, the Oklahoma-born martyr who served as a priest in Guatemala, will be beatified in Oklahoma City on... Read more

Eucharistic Adoration.

Successful Okla. lawsuit could stop future black masses

Aug 28, 2014

By Kevin J. Jones

A lawyer who helped recover a stolen Host that organizers of an Oklahoma City black mass intended to desecrate said... Read more

A woman recieves the Eucharist .

Prayers urged as black mass organizer claims consecrated Host

Aug 8, 2014

The purported use of a consecrated Host at a planned satanic black mass at an Oklahoma City civic center would... Read more

Oklahoma City Civic Center Music Hall. Photo

Tulsa bishop urges prayer, fasting in response to black mass

Aug 4, 2014

A novena of prayer and fasting leading up to the Feast of the Assumption has been planned to combat the... Read more

Oklahoma City Civic Center Music Hall. Photo

Archbishop asks Okla. civic center to reconsider black mass

Jul 2, 2014

Just a few months after a black mass reenactment was planned – and then canceled – at Harvard University, another... Read more

Archbishop Paul Coakley of Oklahoma City speaks at the state's Catholic Advocacy Day, March 25, 2014.

Okla. Catholics speak up for voiceless with lawmakers

Apr 2, 2014

A recent “Catholic Advocacy Day” gave laity in Oklahoma the opportunity to participate in the legislative process and to be... Read more