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Professor Mark Regnerus of the University of Texas at Austin.

Study finds children of same-sex partners face difficulties as adults

Jun 13, 2012

Children brought up by partners in same-sex relationships are encountering more difficulties in adulthood than their conventionally-raised counterparts, according to... Read more

Pastor Derek McCoy of Maryland Marriage Alliance.

Marylanders expected to vote on 'gay marriage'

Jun 5, 2012

By Michelle La Rosa

Marriage supporters in Maryland have announced they gathered well over 100,000 signatures in a marriage petition drive, most likely securing... Read more

California State Capitol.

Calif. gay therapy restriction bill called intrusive, unscientific

Jun 3, 2012

California's senate has approved a bill restricting the therapeutic treatment of homosexuality in minors. Critics say the measure fails to... Read more

Cardinal Christoph Schönborn of Vienna in his offices in Rome during the May 14, 2012 interview.

Cardinal Schonborn: A faithful Catholic minority can re-convert Europe

May 26, 2012

Cardinal Christoph Schönborn of Vienna believes the small but growing number of faithful Catholic families in Europe can win the... Read more