Pro-Life News

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An all-Ireland pro-life rally in Dublin.

It's a human value: Northern Irish pro-lifers call for appeal to abortion ruling

Jan 8, 2016

For many reasons, pro-life advocates in Northern Ireland want the attorney general to challenge a November court ruling that would... Read more

White House, Washington, D.C.

For first time, bill to defund Planned Parenthood heads to White House

Jan 7, 2016

By Matt Hadro

After the House of Representatives voted Wednesday to pass a budget bill blocking federal funding of Planned Parenthood, the legislation... Read more

The former lethal injection room at the New Mexico State Penitentiary.

Executions in the US are falling dramatically. Why?

Jan 7, 2016

By Matt Hadro

Executions in the United States fell to the lowest number in decades in 2015, and recent Popes may have helped... Read more

Unborn baby at 20 weeks.

Leading US bishop: 2016 is the time for pro-life conscience protections

Jan 5, 2016

On the cusp of 2016, the president of the U.S. Bishops Conference is calling for greater protection of pro-life professionals... Read more

This midwife can't get a job in Sweden - and it's a serious problem

Jan 4, 2016

For years, Ellinor Grimmark had dreamed of being a midwife in her Swedish hometown of Skarstad.   Read more

Pope Francis embraces a baby during the general audience in St. Peter's square on Aug. 26, 2015.

Pope Francis to pro-life activists: You are the world's Good Samaritans

Nov 9, 2015

By Ann Schneible

Pope Francis praised pro-life activists as “Good Samaritans” to the most vulnerable, citing their commitment to defending life at all... Read more

40 Days for Life Prayer Vigil.

Record-breaking 40 Days for Life campaign sees monumental results

Nov 6, 2015

After its 2015 fall campaign of prayer and fasting outside hundreds of abortion clinics around the world, the pro-life advocacy... Read more

Pregnancy center partnership aims to improve women's healthcare in Colorado

Oct 30, 2015

By Hillary Mast

When Jenny Langness took over as executive director of Real Choices Pregnancy Resource Center two years ago she was shocked... Read more

This Catholic healthcare group is being sued for refusing to provide abortions

Oct 4, 2015

Trinity Health Corporations, one of the largest Catholic health care operations in America, is seeking the dismissal of a lawsuit... Read more

Pope Francis celebrates Mass for the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple in St. Peter's Basilica, Feb. 2, 2015.

Pope to Catholic lawmakers: Be strong. Protect life.

Aug 31, 2015

By Ann Schneible

On Sunday, Pope Francis urged Catholic legislators to be protectors of human life, calling them to “be strong” against a... Read more

Rally held in support of cutting Planned Parenthood funding.

Tens of thousands protest at Planned Parenthood clinics across the country

Aug 23, 2015

Hundreds of demonstrations were held outside of Planned Parenthood clinics across the U.S. this weekend with protesters calling on the... Read more

Pro-Life March in Accra.

What a pro-life march looks like in Ghana

Aug 11, 2015

More than 1,000 people took part in a pro-life march in Ghana’s capital of Accra, seeking to protect all life... Read more

For Bishop Stika, Planned Parenthood videos show need to cherish humanity first

Aug 10, 2015

The videos of Planned Parenthood officials' involvement in the harvesting of organs from recently aborted babies shows an unadorned evil,... Read more

In Wisconsin, fetal pain concerns drive new abortion regulations

Jul 23, 2015

The state of Wisconsin has now banned abortions 20 weeks into pregnancy, on the grounds that unborn children feel pain,... Read more

Pope Francis.

Pope Francis blasts abortion, population control in new encyclical

Jun 18, 2015

By Elise Harris

In his new encyclical on the environment, Pope Francis slams attacks against human life such as abortion, embryonic experimentation and... Read more

March for Life in Washington D.C. on Jan. 22, 2015.

Abortion rates are dropping – and it could be thanks to millennials

Jun 11, 2015

By Matt Hadro

Abortion rates have declined by 12 percent nationwide since 2010, and pro-life groups say changing attitudes among the younger generation... Read more

Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani and Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square viewing photos from the March for Life in Lima, Peru on June 3, 2015.

Pope to Peruvian pro-lifers: 'Keep shaking things up'

Jun 5, 2015

Upon seeing pictures from the 2015 March for Life in Lima, Peru, Pope Francis had a message for the faithful... Read more

Pope Francis blesses people with disabilities at the Wednesday General Audience in St. Peter's Square on May 27, 2015.

Pope: abortion, euthanasia, abandonment of migrants are 'attacks against humanity'

May 30, 2015

By Ann Schneible

A civilization whose technological advancements do not seek to protect the most vulnerable, from conception until natural death, fails to... Read more

General audience with Pope Francis on March 18, 2015.

Pope Francis: Spare no effort in defending life, family

May 12, 2015

In his meeting on Saturday with the bishops from Mozambique, a southeast African nation, Pope Francis urged support for public... Read more

Virginia bishops on the death penalty: We're having the wrong debate

May 9, 2015

As discussions surrounding a “more humane” death penalty in the United States continue, the two Catholic bishops of Virginia have... Read more