Pro-Life News

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Brazilian church bells ring as court considers decriminalizing abortion

Aug 7, 2018

Catholic churches throughout Brazil rang their bells at 3 p.m. Thursday to sound a warning regarding the possible decriminalization of... Read more

Argentine province declares itself pro-life ahead of abortion vote

Aug 5, 2018

Shortly before next week’s vote on the abortion bill in the Argentine National Senate, the Tucumán provincial legislature declared the... Read more

Abortion bill a matter of life and death, Australian bishop says

Aug 2, 2018

Archbishop Mark Coleridge of Brisbane, Australia encouraged members of parliament to look beyond the “worn-out ideologies and tricky language” behind... Read more

Planned Parenthood sues after South Carolina bans Medicaid funds for abortion clinics

Aug 1, 2018

Planned Parenthood has filed a lawsuit challenging a South Carolina executive order barring Medicaid funds from going toward any health... Read more

Idaho State Capitol building, Boise.

Planned Parenthood sues Idaho over new abortion law

Jul 18, 2018

Planned Parenthood filed a lawsuit Tuesday opposing a new Idaho law that requires abortion providers to report abortion-related medical complications... Read more

Kenyan court considers guidelines for 'safe abortion'

Jul 15, 2018

Kenya's high court is considering the state of health care in the country, as it hears a case brought on... Read more

The flag of Canada.

Legal challenges to Canada Summer Jobs focus on freedom of speech

Jul 10, 2018

Legal opposition continues to gather against a new rule for a long-standing Canadian summer jobs program, which requires grant applicants... Read more

Pro-life prayer outside an abortion clinic.

UK court upholds London abortion clinic buffer zone

Jul 2, 2018

By Christine Rousselle

The High Court of England and Wales ruled Monday that a buffer zone around an abortion facility in the London... Read more

Spanish Congress agrees to examine euthanasia bill

Jun 28, 2018

Spain’s lower house of parliament has agreed to consider a bill that would legalize euthanasia in the country.  Read more

Justice Anthony Kennedy. Public Domain.

Kennedy's retirement from the Supreme Court prompts pro-life hopes

Jun 27, 2018

By Christine Rousselle

The retirement announcement of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy has led pro-life advocates to voice hope that his successor could... Read more


Arizona pharmacist under investigation after declining to fill abortion drug

Jun 26, 2018

An Arizona pharmacist is under investigation after refusing to fill a medical abortion prescription, citing ethical objections.  Read more

NIFLA pro-life rally in Washington, D.C. on March 20, 2018.

Supreme Court’s NIFLA ruling draws praise from pro-life groups

Jun 26, 2018

By Christine Rousselle

Pro-life groups applauded the U.S. Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision on Tuesday in favor of the free speech rights of crisis... Read more

US Supreme Court.

Supreme Court sides with pro-life pregnancy centers in California abortion case

Jun 26, 2018

The Supreme Court on Tuesday blocked a California law requiring pro-life pregnancy centers to post information on programs to obtain... Read more

Texas pro-life laws face sweeping legal challenge

Jun 20, 2018

By Christine Rousselle

Dozens of pro-life laws in Texas are being challenged in a lawsuit claiming that they pose an undue burden on... Read more

'Pro-life is Pro-love' – Conference aims to empower women

Jun 19, 2018

This month, hundreds of women will attend a pro-life conference aimed at empowering women through a uniquely pro-life approach.  Read more

Argentina bishops: Abortion vote shows we have work to do

Jun 17, 2018

The bishops of Argentina said that this week’s vote in the House of Representatives to legalize abortion shows the shortcomings... Read more

Leo Varadkar.

Irish prime minister: Catholic hospitals will be required to perform abortions

Jun 15, 2018

By Christine Rousselle

Publicly-funded hospitals in Ireland will be required to perform abortions, even if they are Catholic and morally opposed to the... Read more

Abortion bill passes in Argentina's House of Representatives

Jun 14, 2018

By a vote of 129 to 125 with one abstention, Argentina's House of Representatives passed a bill on Thursday that... Read more

American Medical Association urged to keep stance against assisted suicide

Jun 13, 2018

By Kevin J. Jones

The American Medical Association voted this week to return to committee a report recommending continued opposition to physician assisted suicide... Read more

Cardinal DiNardo: New US asylum policy erodes the right to life

Jun 13, 2018

By Carl Bunderson

At the opening of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ general assembly on Wednesday, the conference president issued a statement... Read more