Pro-Life News

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Mexico City cathedral.

New group formed to oppose abortion in Mexico

Nov 9, 2018

The new umbrella group Suma de Actores Sociales (United Social Actors) is calling citizens to stand up against efforts by... Read more

President Donald Trump.

A look at President Trump’s pro-life 'solution'

Nov 8, 2018

Following the 2018 mid-term elections, U.S. President Donald Trump said in a Nov. 7 press conference that he alone has... Read more

Beto O'Rourke campaigns in Texas.

Texas Senate race sparks debate in pro-life community  

Nov 5, 2018

After a pro-life leader said she is voting for a pro-choice Senate candidate because she believes he will best advance... Read more

Pro-life advocates at the 45th annual March for Life, on Jan. 19 2018, in Washington, DC.

Are you ready for the March for Life? Organizers announce 2019 theme

Oct 19, 2018

By Christine Rousselle

The theme of the 2019 March for Life will be “Unique From Day One: Pro-Life is Pro-Science,” March for Life... Read more

Pope Francis kisses a child at the general audience on Oct. 10.

Pope Francis: Abortion is like hiring a hitman

Oct 10, 2018

By Courtney Mares

In his general audience Wednesday, Pope Francis said that abortion “suppresses innocent and helpless life in its blossoming.” “Is it... Read more

Pro-life leaders oppose broad expansion of abortion in Australian state

Oct 8, 2018

A parliamentary committee reportedly supported a proposal Oct. 5 to significantly expand abortion in the northeastern Australian state of Queensland.  Read more

The March for Life in Washington, D.C., Jan. 27, 2017.

There's only one abortion clinic left in Missouri

Oct 4, 2018

By Jonah McKeown

Abortions at the Planned Parenthood clinic in Columbia, Missouri ended this week after the facility failed to adhere to state... Read more

An election polling place station during a United States election.

Governors’ elections pose moral dilemma for Catholic voters

Sep 27, 2018

By Christine Rousselle

Catholics living in a state where both of the major party’s gubernatorial candidates oppose key Church teachings have a difficult... Read more

2016 Denver March for Life.

Pro-life momentum? 40 Days for Life campaign begins in over 400 cities

Sep 27, 2018

The 40 Days for Life 2018 fall campaign began on Wednesday, claiming groups in a record 415 cities are taking... Read more

The March for Life in Washington, D.C., Jan. 27, 2017.

Pro-life leaders welcome UK decision to reject abortion clinic buffer zones

Sep 25, 2018

Catholic leaders and pro-life advocates in England and Wales are praising the government’s decision not to impose buffer zones around... Read more

2015 March for Life in Washington D.C.

Pro-life women say they were overlooked by Netflix documentary 'Reversing Roe'

Sep 22, 2018

By Perry West

A new Netflix documentary claims to show both sides of the abortion debate in the U.S., but pro-life advocates say... Read more

Legal challenge to abortion law in Northern Ireland delayed

Sep 21, 2018

A legal challenge to the prosecution of a Northern Irish woman who allegedly procured abortifacient medication for her underage daughter... Read more

The office of the Taoiseach in Dublin, Ireland.

Ireland repeals Eighth Amendment, clearing path for legal abortion

Sep 19, 2018

The Eighth Amendment to the Irish Constitution, which provided legal protection for the unborn, was officially repealed Sept. 18. The... Read more

Pro-life prayer outside an abortion clinic.

UK government rejects calls for nationwide abortion clinic buffer zones

Sep 13, 2018

The British Home Secretary has rejected proposals for buffer zones around abortion clinics throughout England and Wales as disproportionate, after... Read more

Pro-life pregnancy centers served nearly 2 million people last year

Sep 5, 2018

Pro-life pregnancy centers drew nearly 2 million clients in 2017 and provided more than $161 million in free services, according... Read more

Woman and baby in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Crisis pregnancy center opens in Argentina shanty town

Sep 2, 2018

A new crisis pregnancy center in Buenos Aires will welcome women facing difficult pregnancies, offering resources, counseling, and medical support.  Read more

Critics ask Calif. governor to veto 'shortsighted' college abortion drug bill

Aug 30, 2018

California Gov. Jerry Brown should veto a bill that mandates abortion drugs at state university campus health centers, said pro-life... Read more

South Korea labels abortion an 'immoral medical action'

Aug 30, 2018

By Courtney Mares

The South Korean government included abortion in a list of “immoral medical actions” earlier this month as the country’s abortion... Read more

After welcoming pro-lifers, Missouri Democrats quickly backtrack

Aug 17, 2018

Missouri Democratic leaders have voted to remove language acknowledging different views of abortion from their party platform, drawing criticism from... Read more

Pro-life demonstrators in Argentina react to the Senate defeat of an abortion bill Aug. 9, 2018.

Argentina Senate rejects bill to legalize abortion

Aug 9, 2018

Concluding a 16-hour legislative session in the early hours of August 9, the Argentina Senate rejected a bill to legalize... Read more