Supreme Court of the United States

These are the latest news cases from the Supreme Court of the United States regarding pro-life and family issues, religious persecution, and other topics affecting the Catholic Church.

The Latest

Hobby Lobby. Photo courtesy of The Becket Fund.

Hobby Lobby draws wide breadth of support in mandate case

Jan 29, 2014

By Adelaide Mena

Hundreds of individuals and groups from a broad range of religious and political backgrounds have filed briefs supporting the owners... Read more

Michael P. Warsaw, Chairman of the Board and CEO of EWTN.

EWTN hopeful after Supreme Court ruling on Little Sisters

Jan 25, 2014

News that the U.S. Supreme Court has granted an exemption from the contraception mandate to the Little Sisters of the... Read more

Protestors in front of the US Supreme Court.

Supreme Court hears abortion zone case, declines 20-week ban

Jan 17, 2014

By Adelaide Mena

The Supreme Court will rule this year on a case involving “buffer zones” outside abortion clinics, but it has declined... Read more

U.S. Supreme Court.

Supreme Court case examines prayer at public meetings

Nov 7, 2013

By Adelaide Mena

A case before the U.S. Supreme Court is considering the ability of a town in New York to open meetings... Read more

U.S. Supreme Court.

Supreme Court term touches on prayer, religious liberty

Oct 15, 2013

By Adelaide Mena

The 2013-2014 Supreme Court term, which began Oct. 7, will address several prominent issues in the public square, including freedom... Read more

Bishop Kevin J. Farrell of Dallas speaks during a press conference at the 2012 USCCB Fall General Assembly.

Approach dialogue with respect, bishop tells US leaders

Oct 8, 2013

U.S. Supreme Court justices and government officials at an annual Mass invoking the Holy Spirit's aid were reminded of the... Read more

United States Supreme Court.

Proposition 8 still applies in California, backers say

Jul 16, 2013

Proposition 8 backers have filed a legal brief saying that the ballot measure defining marriage as a union of a... Read more

Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone in Rome on June 28, 2013.

Marriage rulings pose obstacle to Church teaching, bishop says

Jul 3, 2013

The U.S. Supreme Court's recent decisions on gay marriage will make it harder for the Church to teach Americans about... Read more

Rev. William Owens, Sr., president of the Coalition of African-American pastors.

Family advocates say marriage ruling ignores children

Jun 26, 2013

As the Supreme Court handed down its historic rulings on “gay marriage,” an array of family advocates are warning that... Read more

U.S. Supreme Court.

Supreme Court strikes down DOMA, dismisses Prop 8

Jun 26, 2013

By Michelle La Rosa

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 decision that a key part of the Defense of Marriage Act is... Read more

United States Supreme Court

Supreme Court will not hear Planned Parenthood defunding case

May 29, 2013

By Kevin J. Jones

In a setback for state efforts to defund abortion providers, the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday declined to hear Indiana’s... Read more

U.S. Supreme Court.

Ariz. abortion law hoped to win Supreme Court support

May 25, 2013

By Kevin J. Jones

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled against an Arizona law banning abortions after 20 weeks, but backers... Read more

Momentum builds around national March for Marriage

Feb 10, 2013

Plans for a national March for Marriage in downtown Washington, D.C., are generating excitement and enthusiastic support, according to organizers... Read more

United States Supreme Court

Redefining marriage creates conflict, bishops warn Supreme Court

Jan 30, 2013

In recent legal briefs filed with the Supreme Court, the U.S. bishops warned that a redefinition of marriage would create... Read more

Judge Robert Bork. Courtesy Hudson Institute.

Catholic convert and Supreme Court nominee Robert Bork remembered

Dec 20, 2012

By Kevin J. Jones

Judge Robert H. Bork, a Catholic convert whose defeated Supreme Court nomination helped ensure the continued dominance of legal abortion... Read more

A marriage supporter holds a sign at a National Organization for Marriage rally on July 28, 2010, in St. Paul, Minn.

Family advocates pleased Supreme Court will hear marriage cases

Dec 7, 2012

By Michelle La Rosa

Supporters of marriage and family welcomed the Supreme Court’s announcement that it will review both state and federal cases about... Read more

Mathew D. Staver, dean of Liberty University School of Law.

Court ordered to hear Christian college's health care challenge

Nov 26, 2012

By Michelle La Rosa

The Supreme Court has ordered a federal court of appeals to consider a Christian college's claim that its religious freedom... Read more

Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio delivers the Red Mass homily at the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle September 30, in Washington D.C. Catholic Standard photo, courtesy of Archdiocese of Washington.

Supreme Court justices urged to let God inspire their work

Oct 1, 2012

Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio encouraged six Supreme Court justices to allow God to inspire their pursuit of justice and to... Read more

Immigrants are detained by sheriff's deputies outside of a DVD manufacturing company in Santa Clarita, Calif. in Feb. 2009.

Poll finds Americans respect immigrants, want 'non-partisan' solution

Jun 26, 2012

Most Americans have a respectful view of immigrants, and would support long-term measures to make legal residence possible, a Knights... Read more

United States Supreme Court.

Archbishop Gomez gives mixed response to immigration ruling

Jun 25, 2012

By Michelle La Rosa

The Supreme Court's decision on an Arizona immigration law drew both praise and concern from the bishops' leader on migration... Read more