USCCB - United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

Latest news about the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). Information, updates, and breaking news.

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U.S. bishops mark 25th anniversary of International Religious Freedom Act

Oct 26, 2023

By Joe Bukuras

The bishops called the 1998 law a “landmark” piece of legislation meant to protect the “essential and inviolable” principle of... Read more

The U.S. bishops met in Baltimore for their annual fall general assembly on Nov. 14-17, 2022.

U.S. bishops’ plenary session to take place in November: Here’s what’s on the agenda

Oct 18, 2023

By Joe Bukuras

All of the U.S. bishops will descend upon Baltimore next month for their 2023 Fall Plenary Assembly. Read more


U.S. bishops launch mental health campaign with special novena, discussions

Oct 10, 2023

By Francesca Pollio Fenton

The National Catholic Mental Health Campaign will begin Oct. 10, World Mental Health Day, with a Novena for Mental Health,... Read more

Bishop Jeffrey Monforton of Steubenville, Ohio gives the homily during Mass with members of the USCCB Region VI at the Basilica of St. John Lateran on Dec. 10, 2019, during their ad Limina Apostolorum visit.

Pope Francis names Steubenville bishop as auxiliary bishop of Detroit

Sep 28, 2023

By Courtney Mares

Bishop Jeffrey Monforton, 60, is originally from Detroit and will assist 74-year-old Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron in the administration of... Read more


U.S. bishops urge ‘radical solidarity’ with mothers for Respect Life Month

Sep 19, 2023

By Tyler Arnold

Arlington Bishop Michael Burbidge defined “radical solidarity” as “putting our love for [mothers] into action and putting their needs before... Read more

"Angels Unawares," a work by Timothy Schmalz on The Catholic University of America's campus, depicts 140 immigrants.

Bishops celebrate National Migration Week, highlight overlooked ‘right to remain’

Sep 15, 2023

By Tyler Arnold

The U.S. Catholic bishops are highlighting the overlooked right to remain in one’s country during its weeklong celebration Sept. 18–24. Read more


Catholic bishops take issue with Biden administration’s proposed LGBT discrimination rules

Sep 6, 2023

By Daniel Payne

The bishops warned that within the operation of Catholic charities, an HHS rule would “create conflicts between the [rule’s] requirements... Read more


Labor Day means ‘radical solidarity’ with working families, U.S. bishops say

Sep 2, 2023

By Kevin J. Jones

On Labor Day, the U.S. bishops call for economic policy and community advocacy to prioritize working families. Read more

Mountain landscape with lake.

To protect God’s creation, seek personal and policy change, U.S. bishops say

Aug 30, 2023

By Kevin J. Jones

The USCCB statement linked the waters of Christian baptism to the waters of the earth, highlighting the source of life... Read more

Bishop John Patrick Dolan of the Diocese of Phoenix visited the African nations of Ethiopia, Uganda, and Kenya in August 2023 for a tour of projects connected to the U.S. bishops’ conference’s Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa.

Family life, ‘bonding together’ behind spread of Christianity in Africa, U.S. bishop says

Aug 29, 2023

By Agnes Aineah

Bishop John Patrick Dolan of Phoenix returned from a 12-day trip to the African countries of Ethiopia, Uganda, and Kenya... Read more


Catholic bishops ask Supreme Court to uphold gun bans in domestic violence cases

Aug 23, 2023

By Kevin J. Jones

The Supreme Court will hear the case U.S. v. Rahimi in its upcoming session. Read more

Bishop Michael Burbidge of Arlington, Va.

Bishops protest Biden administration’s addition of abortion to pregnant workers protections

Aug 9, 2023

By Tyler Arnold

The U.S. bishops initially supported the bill but is now accusing the EEOC of distorting the law. Read more

A family sits in a tent at camp for refugees at Kenya's border town with Ethiopia, Moyale, about 484 miles north of capital Nairobi, on March 17, 2018 after fleeing Ethiopia.

U.S. bishops appeal to leaders to do more to ensure food security around the globe

Aug 7, 2023

By Zoe Romanowsky

Bishop David J. Malloy cited numbers that estimated about 258 million people in 58 countries experienced crisis-level acute hunger in... Read more

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops on July 17, 2023, honored three champions of the pro-life cause at its People of Life awards during the annual Diocesan Pro-Life Leadership Conference in Toledo, Ohio. Pictured left to right are award recipients Margaret Hartshorn and Aurora Tinajero; Keith Moseley, husband of Kathryn Moseley, who passed away in June and received the award posthumously; and Bishop Michael Burbidge, chairman of the USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities.

U.S. bishops highlight ‘champions of the pro-life cause’ with annual award ceremony

Aug 2, 2023

By Daniel Payne

Margaret Hartshorn, Aurora Tinajero, and the late Kathryn Moseley will receive the conference’s 2023 “People of Life” awards. Read more


Bishops’ peace chairman warns of ‘menace’ of nuclear weapons

Aug 2, 2023

By Daniel Payne

The chairman of the U.S. bishops’ peace committee this week urged Catholics to pray fervently for progress in nuclear arms... Read more

Portuguese pilgrims at WYD 2019, excited that their home country is set to host the next World Youth Day.

Here’s how many American pilgrims are headed to World Youth Day in Lisbon

Jul 24, 2023

By Joe Bukuras

Pope Francis will be joining the pilgrims at World Youth Day Aug. 1–6, which has the theme “Mary arose and... Read more


U.S. bishops announce where millions of dollars in charitable donations are going 

Jul 21, 2023

By Joe Bukuras

These donations "bring faith, hope, and love to people in despair, often in some of the most harsh and remote... Read more

Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio leads the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA, and is president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.

U.S. bishops’ report on clergy abuse: ‘Encouraging’ trends underscore need for reform

Jul 20, 2023

By Daniel Payne

Though the abuse allegations continue to fall year over year, the report noted that numerous dioceses came up short in... Read more

Afghan refugees in Kabul, Afghanistan, after the collapse of the country in August 2021.

Bishops urge Congress to pass bill granting asylum to Afghans who helped U.S. during war

Jul 20, 2023

By Peter Pinedo

The Afghan Adjustment Act was introduced in the Senate and House on July 13. Read more


U.S. bishops warn against proposed change to definition of brain death 

Jul 20, 2023

By Daniel Payne

The USCCB and a key Catholic bioethics group are both warning of a potential rewriting of U.S. law to broaden... Read more