Opening Prayer:
All-powerful Father, we await the healing power of Christ your Son.
Let us not be discouraged by our weaknesses as we prepare for his coming.
Keep us steadfast in your love.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
Closing Prayer:
Loving and powerful God, Some days I can only be in awe of your power and love.
You never tire of supporting me.
I constantly ask for help knowing you will always be there.
From some place deep in my soul, I hear you calling me by name and I prepare with a joyful heart for your coming.
Grant me the gift of hope, patience and waiting in these Advent days because I want the focus of my waiting to be on you.
I want to praise and glorify you with my life.
Let me live my gratitude to you, rejoicing!
Printed with permission from Catholic Expert.