Path of the Jubilee

There are four stages to the Path of the Jubilee:

1. The parish church where one can see the baptismal font in which Bernadette was baptized.
2. The abandoned prison, called the « Cachot » where the Soubirous family lived
3. St Michael’s Gate, the Arches and the Grotto.
4. The Hospital Oratory where Bernadette made her first Holy Communion in between the 17th and the 18th apparitions.

At each station you will be given a sticker for your badge. Once you have all four stickers your badge will be complete.

Pope Benedict XVI has attached a special favor to The Jubilee Way, called a “plenary indulgence.” It can be obtained under the following conditions:

  • Go to confession
  • Receive Holy Communion
  • Pray for the intentions of the Holy Father
  • “Pause in prayer and meditation for a reasonable amount of time”
  • Ending with the prayer of
    • the Our Father
    • the Apostle’s Creed
    • the Jubilee prayer or a Marian prayer

The original document can be found at