Nobody said it would hurt so much

I was 13 years old and had been raped. I didn’t have any idea what sex or pregnancy was all about. I didn’t really know what abortion was but I knew it would get me out of telling my parents.


It was the most painful 5-8 minutes ever. When the doctor started the suction I knew it was my baby I was killing. Nobody said it would hurt so much.


At first it didn’t bother me, but after about one month I started regretting it. I wanted to have another baby and I was obsessed with baby stuff. I went into a deep depression and I was hospitalized.


I went through a year of therapy. It wasn’t until I became a Christian did the real pain go away. I work on a pregnancy hotline and I’m involved in the Pro-Life Movement.


I grew up real fast and I realized a lot. Without my own experience I might not have had a chance to open my heart to help others.


Printed with permission from Priests for Life.