During the presentation of the second edition of the Master’s Program “Global Development and Social Justice” at the FAO headquarters in Rome, Msgr. Mauro Parmeggiani, general secretary of the Vicariate of Rome, said, “The seed of culture needs to grow in the developing countries.”

“The objective of the course,” Caritas of Rome explained, “is to form future leaders, administrators, social workers and opinion makers in the continents that are the poorest socially and economically.”  Some 20 students from Bulgaria, Colombia, India, Russia, Haiti, Indonesia and Rwanda have enrolled in the program.

The program will focus on themes inherent to social development, justice and peace.  “It’s a project of international solidarity that goes to the foundations of society in the different aspects that characterize it,” Msgr. Parmeggiani explained.

The Master’s Program is being organized by Caritas of Rome in collaboration with St. John’s University in New York, the Institutes of Santa Maria in Aquiro and the Fondazione Idente di Studi e Ricerche.