Yet another infant was left in the “baby hatch” of a Catholic-run hospital in Japan. The Jikei Hospital in Kumamoto set up its first baby hatch for unwanted newborns on May 10, and on Friday, the third baby was dropped off, reported The Japan Times.

The baby hatch received a boy aged 3 or 4 on its first day. A healthy, two-month-old boy was dropped off Tuesday with a letter saying his parents "just can't raise him."

Each case is reported to police and a local child consultation office. The babies will be adopted or sent to homes for infants if the identity of the parents remains unknown or if the parents are deemed unable to raise them.

While the Kumamoto Municipal Government has endorsed the system, it has sparked debate with advocates calling it a last resort to save lives and opponents charging that it encourages parents to abandon their children.

The hospital has a policy of not disclosing or confirming each case, and information for each case comes through sources. Hospital spokespeople have said the hospital plans to announce the number of cases once a year.