Archbishop Odilo Scherer of Sao Paulo said last week, “The presence of the new communities and movements is a great treasure today for Latin America and the Church.”

In statements to CNA, the Brazilian archbishop, who is participating in the 5th General Conference of the Latin American Bishops’ Council (CELAM), said the phenomenon of the movements and new communities “is ever more significant in the life of the Church because it is animated by a mystical strength according to each one’s charism.”

He said the CELAM conference in Brazil is giving particular attention to the new movements and communities, encouraging them to continue to form disciples and missionaries that have an active presence in society and work for the transformation of the world “so that our peoples may have life in Him.”

Asked if the Church would accept the legalization of abortion in some cases, as has been suggested by liberation theologian Fr. Betto, Archbishop Scherer was clear in his response:  “No. The position of the Magisterium of the Church regarding abortion is clear.  Legalizing abortion in some cases means going against a basic principle: the human person, human life, must always be respected.”

Human life “must never be sacrificed for some other interest, whatever that interest may be.  Human life has a primary value and therefore it must be respected always, and therefore I don’t think the Magisterium of the Church can be in agreement with the legalization of abortion in some cases,” Archbishop Scherer stated.