The Minister of Education in Panama, Miguel Angel Canizales, ordered the removal of four text books on sex education from the country’s schools, after complaints were raised over the contents of the books, which included the promotion of homosexuality among adolescents.


According to the newspaper “El Siglo,” Canizales canceled a planned evaluation of the text books which his office “intended to use to cement a sex-ed program throughout the country, after an avalanche of criticism” of the contents of the manuals.


El Siglo, which obtained copies of the manuals, said the contents could provide “the final push” any adolescent struggling with his or her sexuality would need to embrace homosexuality.


“One of the ‘exercises’ proposed in these manuals (aimed at fourth through sixth graders) invites the teacher to use a rope to make an imaginary uterus on the floor and have each student step inside, because they are going to need to be born again,” the article stated, quoting directly from the manual: “You will make a signal to indicate to each student that he or she will be born and should construct his or her identity, choosing from a group of color-coded cards (one color each for heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, transvestite and transsexual) placed on a table.  Ask them to return to their places and to reflect on their new identity, how they feel, interiorizing their new traits.”


According to Canizales, the text books were sponsored and drafted by the Ministry of Health, UNICEF, and the UN World Population Fund.


However, Fernando Carrera, a representative of UNICEF in Panama, claimed the manuals were “drafted by Panamanian professionals and not by international consulters.” El Siglo noted that the on the cover of each manual UNICEF is listed as one of the authors.