Mexico City, Mexico, Aug 14, 2006 / 22:00 pm
The Archbishop of Mexico City, Cardinal Norberto Rivera Carrera, has called on Mexicans to accept the decision of the Federal Electoral Commission regarding the winner of the July 2 presidential elections.
While he acknowledged that the election results had polarized the nation, the cardinal said, “We bishops are not qualified to say how serious those irregularities were. They [the Electoral Commission] are the ones charged with making a judgment.”
Asked about the incident of a supporter of leftist candidate Manuel Lopez Obrador, who entered the Cathedral in Mexico City shouting, “Vote by vote! Ballot box by ballot box!” Cardinal Rivera replied, “Not all the members of his party are like that.”
At the conclusion of Mass, the cardinal noted that “the Church is for everyone” and that people come to church to pray and to hear the word of God, not to attack. “All [the members of the PRD party] can come, there’s nothing stopping them. The Church is open to all,” he stated.