Buenos Aires, Argentina, Jun 20, 2006 / 22:00 pm
Bishop Jorge Lona of San Luis warned this week that the country’s Ministry of Justice and Human Rights is violating the fundamental human right to life by promoting a reform of Argentina’s Penal Code that would in practice legalize abortion.
“Today, in our country, innocent life is in danger,” Bishop Lona said, encouraging Catholics to defend the unborn and recalling that Vatican II labeled abortion an “abominable crime.”
“Nobody has the right to kill an innocent human being,” the bishop continued. “The unborn child is the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings that can exist. To kill him means to deprive him of the right to live, which is the first and fundamental of all rights and upon which all others depend,” he said.
“We cannot remain silent when a national Ministry takes responsibility for this reform,” Bishop Lona stated, which gravely violates justice and human rights, “which all Argentineans are specifically tasked to defend.”
The bishop ended his comments with a prayer that the Lord “would enlighten and strengthen our hearts, making us capable today and always of sustaining the defense of life.”