Priests for Life will lead an 18-week prayer campaign, starting July 4, to prepare the nation for the 2006 elections.

The two nine-week periods of prayer will conclude Nov. 7, which is Election Day.

“The intentions of the campaign are that citizens take an active role in the elections and understand that the most important issue is abortion,” said Fr. Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life.

A special website,, has been set up for the prayer campaign. People are invited to say each day a prayer specially composed for the campaign. The prayer can be found on the website, and visitors can indicate online their intention to participate.

Priests for Life is also publishing a booklet, called “Ten Easy Steps to Voting with a Clear Conscience”, to accompany the campaign.

Priests for Life was recently recognized as one of the top 20 Christian political organizations in the United States.