Lima, Peru, Jun 5, 2006 / 22:00 pm
During a moving ceremony celebrated last weekend, Bishop Norberto Strotmann of Chosica, Peru, official opened the Father Patrick Peyton Family Center in Cantogrande, one the most populous and poorest suburbs of Lima. The new center’s mission is to promote respect for life and the strengthening of the family.
Father Jorge Aguirre of the Congregation of the Holy Cross explained, “This center was created through the initiative of the Servant of God Father Peyton, founder of the ‘Family Rosary,’ and its purpose is to serve the Church and the community through formation, education and solidarity with families, as well as with those involved in ministry and the media who work to defend and promote them.”
Father Aguirre said one of the main objectives of the center is to offer both psychological and spiritual guidance for families that are experiencing difficulties, “helping them to bring healing to the past and to endure present situations.”
“We also intend for it to be a research center,” he added, “and there is already a team of professionals working on family issues.”
Father Aguirre also said the center would strive to promote family prayer, especially the rosary, in order to strengthen the family as an institution.